
  • Gingko with Mary Morgaine Squire + Sweet Memory Tea
    Jul 3 2024

    I have fallen in love with Mary Morgaine Squire’s plant love letter newsletters lately, and when I sat down to interview her, it was made even more clear to me just how deep her connection with the herbs is! I’m excited that she chose ginkgo (GIngko biloba) for her herb – it’s a new plant for the show and one I haven’t worked with much myself. I really enjoyed learning more about it. I’m even trying to find a place to grow a ginkgo tree in my own yard now!

    Mary shared so many wonderful things during our conversation – from a plant meditation to an excerpt from her love letter to ginkgo, plus her recipe for Sweet Memory Tea. You can download your very own copy of Mary’s lovely recipe here.

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► The connections between the history of ginkgo, its physical structure, and its medicinal benefits

    ► The best time of year to harvest ginkgo leaves

    ► How working with ginkgo can benefit your mind and heart

    ► Two ways to combine ginkgo with other herbs to enhance their own gifts

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t know her, Mary Morgaine Squire, aka Mary Plantwalker, is a land steward, writer, educator, ceremonialist and avid gardener living in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. She began her walk with the plants at Fairhaven College in the early 90’s while earning a BA in sustainable living, and later traveled the world to learn from the plants and healers of indigenous cultures. Matthew Wood, Frank Cook and Juliet Blankespoor have been some of her many herbal teachers along the way.

    Mary Morgaine creates sacred sanctuary wherever she goes, pouring her life energy into the space around her. Herb Mountain Farm, a healing botanical sanctuary that hosts events, a forest school and residential community, has been her home for many years and she is devoted to stewarding it with loving care. Her joy arises while tending the land and documenting the life unfolding on this magical planet through writing, photography and collage. Her prayer is that this work will inspire others to care deeply for our Mother Earth.

    As a plantfolk woman, Mary Morgaine walks her talk by steeping herself daily in the spirit of the plants whether it’s eating something wild, drinking herbal tea, sitting under a tree or giving voice to the plant nation. She is an eternal student of the natural world and generously shares with others how to strengthen their personal relationship with the plants around them and find their passion for embracing conscious earth stewardship. She offers regular Appalachian Tea Ceremonies, Plant Walks, and other earth-based workshops and is the author of a weekly subscription newsletter called Earth Devotions.

    If you’d like to hear more from Mary, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for her website and social media channels. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your recipe card at: https://bit.ly/4eLQATd.

    I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today!


    Get full show notes and more information at: herbswithrosaleepodcast.com

    For more behind-the-scenes of this podcast, follow @rosaleedelaforet on Instagram!

    The secret to using herbs successfully begins with knowing who YOU are. Get started by taking my free Herbal Jumpstart course when you sign up for my newsletter.

    If you enjoy...

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    48 min
  • Stinging Nettle with Kristine Brown + Homeschool Curriculum Sample
    Jun 19 2024

    I’ve known Kristine Brown for many years, and it was such a delight to sit down and chat with her about her love of nettle – a plant that herbalists love to love! Even though I have immersed myself in nettle love for years, I learned some new things about this wonderful herb during our conversation. And it was so much fun to hear about Kristine’s herbal journey and how she came to develop her herbal zine and amazing herbal learning system for children.

    If you homeschool your children – or even if you don’t, but simply enjoy sharing the gifts of herbs with the children in your life – you’ll love the Herb Club expanded curriculum sample that Kristine is sharing with us! You can find this free, downloadable curriculum sample – an amazing resource for kids of all ages! – here.

    Nettle offers so many wonderful gifts! Here are just a few ways that you can work with nettles to benefit your health:

    ► To help prevent seasonal allergies

    ► To strengthen your bones, hair, and nails

    ► To help normalize low blood pressure

    Nettle is such a versatile plant, and there are so many more reasons to include it in your regular herbal routine. To learn the best ways to incorporate nettle into your life (including a delicious way to prepare nettle greens!), be sure to tune in to the entire episode.

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► Why Kristine considers nettle to be her lifetime plant ally

    ► Kristine’s helpful trick for drying large amounts of nettles

    ► Seven medicinal uses of nettle leaves, roots, and seeds – including one way that the actual sting can be used!

    ► Tips for harvesting nettles and extending the season for harvesting their leaves

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t know her, Kristine Brown, RH(AHG), is helping parents teach their kids about herbalism, one herb at a time. Combining her knowledge as an herbalist and homeschooling mom, Kristine created the only children’s herbal curriculum that uses all four learning styles (visual, auditory, reading, and kinesthetic). She has taught classes for children locally and coordinated numerous herbal conference kids’ camps both locally and nationally. She is the writer and illustrator of the online children’s publication Herbal Roots zine, including ebooks, online courses that teach children about botany, drawing, and herbs, and a membership offering, Herb Club, with video lessons, expanded curriculum for preschool through high school, and a forum. Teaching others about plants and drawing and sharing her knowledge with children—our future—is her passion.

    If you’d like to hear more from Kristine, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for her website and social media channels. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your homeschool curriculum sample at: https://bit.ly/3KRemjb.

    I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today!


    Get full show notes and more information at: herbswithrosaleepodcast.com

    For more behind-the-scenes of this podcast, follow @rosaleedelaforet on Instagram!

    The secret to using herbs successfully begins with knowing who YOU are. Get started by taking my free Herbal Jumpstart course when you sign up for my newsletter.

    If you enjoy the Herbs with Rosalee podcast, we could use your support! Please consider leaving a 5-star rating and review...

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    46 min
  • Tulsi with Anjali Deva + Tulsi Chai Recipe
    Jun 12 2024

    It was so delightful to sit down and chat with Anjali Deva about Tulsi. I just love it when I interview someone and their love of the plant they choose shines through so clearly, which was definitely the case in this conversation. Anjali’s descriptions of seeing Tulsi growing in India made me wish I could grow whole fields of it myself!

    Anjali discussed the many ways she loves to interact with Tulsi, both on a physical and a spiritual level, and I loved her very practical and specific indications for when to try her Tulsi Chai recipe. By the way, don’t miss out on downloading your beautifully illustrated recipe card, which you can find here!

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► Four digestive issues that can be helped by Tulsi

    ► How Tulsi’s gifts can benefit multiple organ systems

    ► The parallels between Tulsi’s effects on digestion and the lungs

    ► Four delectable ways to use Tulsi in food and drinks (including a delicious way to use it in an afternoon pick-me-up!)

    ► How Anjali uses Tulsi as part of her spiritual practice

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t already know her, Anjali Deva is an Ayurvedic practitioner, currently residing in the mountains of Southern California. Her private practice, Rooted Rasa, specializes in an integrative and trauma-informed approach to Ayurveda. Anjali founded Mādhya Way, a school for Ayurveda, in 2020 to provide education in trauma-informed care. She is the co-author of From Stressed Out to Stress Wise, published in July 2023. Anjali is dedicated to sharing the Wisdom of Ayurveda for the benefit of all living beings.

    If you’d like to hear more from Anjali, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for her website and social media channels. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your recipe card for Tulsi Chai at: https://bit.ly/4ej73Ou.

    I’m excited to share our conversation with you today!


    Get full show notes and more information at: herbswithrosaleepodcast.com

    For more behind-the-scenes of this podcast, follow @rosaleedelaforet on Instagram!

    The secret to using herbs successfully begins with knowing who YOU are. Get started by taking my free Herbal Jumpstart course when you sign up for my newsletter.

    If you enjoy the Herbs with Rosalee podcast, we could use your support! Please consider leaving a 5-star rating and review and sharing the show with someone who needs to hear it!

    On the podcast, we explore the many ways plants heal, as food, as medicine, and through nature connection. Each week, I focus on a single seasonal plant and share trusted herbal knowledge so that you can get the best results when using herbs for your health.

    Learn more about Herbs with Rosalee at herbswithrosalee.com.


    Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Heal and co-author of the bestselling book

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    40 min
  • Plants at Risk with Susan Leopold + List of Possible Substitutions
    Jun 5 2024

    I am a huge fan of the work done through United Plant Savers (UPS) and so it was truly an honor to have Susan Leopold, the executive director of UPS, on the show!

    I had so much fun talking with Susan. Of course she discussed the UPS’s efforts to catalog and protect at-risk native medicinal plants, but this conversation also went places I didn’t expect, including some of the history of herbal medicine in the United States and a sneak peek at next year’s International Herb Symposium.

    Susan also talked about some of the many free resources United Plant Savers has to offer, like their list of at-risk plants and herbs that you can use to substitute for these plants medicinally, which you can access here.

    And if you’re interested in helping UPS’s efforts in medicinal plant conservation, I highly recommend getting a membership! I’ve been a member for so many years, and I think everybody who loves plants should be a member of United Plant Savers if at all possible. You can find a link to become a member on the show notes page here.

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► Who the Eclectics were and why they are so relevant to herbalism and plant conservation today

    ► How United Plant Savers compiles its lists of at-risk plants, and how you can use these lists to guide your use and purchase of medicinal herbs

    ► Why United Plant Savers encourages people to engage and interact with plants rather than taking a hands-off approach

    ► Why buying wild-harvested white sage is so problematic (and what you can do to help!)

    ► Why Susan considers Echinacea to be “the voice of the prairie”

    ► Four ways you can directly help with conservation of at-risk medicinal plants

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t already know her, Susan Leopold is an ethnobotanist and conservation ecologist known for her work in the fields of plant conservation, sustainable agriculture, and ethnobotany. She is the Executive Director of the United Plant Savers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting native medicinal plants and fungi and their habitat. Leopold is an advocate for ethical wildcrafting practices, community-based conservation initiatives, and the preservation of traditional plant knowledge.

    If you’d like to hear more from Susan, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for her website and social media channels. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your list of at-risk plants and herbs that you can use to substitute for these plants medicinally at: https://bit.ly/3R6uK2z.

    I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today.


    Get full show notes and more information at: herbswithrosaleepodcast.com

    For more behind-the-scenes of this podcast, follow @rosaleedelaforet on Instagram!

    The secret to using herbs successfully begins with knowing who YOU are. Get started by taking my free Herbal Jumpstart course when you sign up for my newsletter.

    If you enjoy the Herbs with Rosalee podcast, we could use your support! Please consider leaving a 5-star rating and review and sharing the show with someone who needs to hear it!

    On the podcast, we explore the many ways plants heal, as food, as medicine, and through nature connection....

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    55 min
  • Chamomile with Dr. Jillian Stansbury + Tummy Tea Blend
    May 29 2024

    It was so much fun to interview Dr. Jillian Stansbury! She is a plant nerd in all the best ways, and every section of this conversation has so much wisdom infused into it. Not only does Dr. Stansbury give a ton of information about chamomile’s many gifts but she also touches on the differences between the use of herbs and pharmaceuticals, her passion for ethnobotany, and so much more. If you like to nerd out on herbs then you are going to love this conversation!

    A master at herbal formulation, Dr. Stansbury also discusses herbs that partner well with chamomile for different health challenges, and shares her wonderful Tummy Tea Blend recipe. You can find the beautifully illustrated recipe card here.

    Chamomile is such a versatile plant! Here are just a few instances when gentle yet powerful chamomile can be helpful:

    ► To help calm and soothe a wound-up nervous system

    ► As a mouthwash for gingivitis

    ► For a variety of digestive issues from gas and bloating to irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis

    ► To help quell nausea

    And there are so many other health challenges that can benefit from chamomile’s gifts! Tune in to the entire episode for all the details!

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► How Dr. Stansbury combined her training as a physician with her love of herbs, along with other healing practices, to create a truly holistic medical clinic

    ► Why chamomile is such a versatile plant for your herbal medicine toolkit

    ► How chamomile can be used to reduce some of the side effects of chemotherapy

    ► Ten digestive issues that can be helped by chamomile

    ► Why we can’t possibly know exactly how an herb does what it does (but that’s okay!)

    ► The difference between herbs and pharmaceuticals in treating health issues

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t already know her, Dr. Jillian Stansbury has practiced as a physician in Battle Ground, WA for over 35 years, and she currently directs the Healing Arts Apothecary, which is open to the public. She chaired the Botanical Medicine program at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR for many decades and remains on the faculty. Dr. Stansbury leads ethnobotany field courses in the Andes and Amazon each January, and is the author of 7 herb books, including the Award-Winning 5 volume textbook series, Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, published by Chelsea Green.

    If you’d like to hear more from Dr. Stansbury, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for her website and social media channels. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your recipe card for Tummy Tea Blend at: https://bit.ly/4dQ1w1V.

    I’m delighted to share our conversation with you today.


    Get full show notes and more information at: herbswithrosaleepodcast.com

    For more behind-the-scenes of this podcast, follow @rosaleedelaforet on Instagram!

    The secret to using herbs successfully begins with knowing who YOU are. Get started by taking my free Herbal Jumpstart course when you sign up for my newsletter.

    If you enjoy the Herbs with Rosalee podcast, we could use your support! Please consider leaving a 5-star rating and review and sharing the show with someone who needs to hear...

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    1 h et 7 min
  • Lemon Balm with Maria Noël Groves + Fresh Lemon Balm Tincture Recipe
    May 22 2024

    This is Maria Noël Groves’s second time on the show, and I’m thrilled to have her back! You can tell that Maria is an herbal teacher, because this episode is packed with in-depth herbal information about lemon balm. She shares so much wisdom about lemon balm’s gifts that I just can’t wait to get into the garden and work with this wonderful plant again!

    Maria also shared many ways to work with lemon balm, including her recipe for Lemon Balm Fresh Tincture. (You can find the link to your free, beautifully illustrated recipe card here.)

    When might you turn to lemon balm? Here are just a few instances when lovely lemon balm can be helpful:

    ► When you want to improve your focus

    ► When you’re feeling stressed out or anxious, and need some nervous system support

    ► When you need some immune system and antiviral support

    But in all of these cases, you need to know how to source or prepare the most potent herbal medicines with lemon balm. Otherwise, your results will probably be disappointing. Tune in to the entire episode for all the details so you can enjoy the most lemon balm benefits!

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► How herbs can help to support you in getting a good night’s sleep

    ► What makes lemon balm such a powerful herbal ally

    ► Why it’s important to source high-quality lemon balm (or grow your own!)

    ► Three tips for harvesting lemon balm when it is most potent

    ► Maria’s tips for making a glycerite with lemon balm

    ► Why it’s best to get to know herbs by working with them, rather than simply reading lists about what they’re “good for”

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t know her, Maria Noël Groves is a clinical herbalist nestled in the pine forests of New Hampshire. Her business, Wintergreen Botanicals, is devoted to education and empowerment via herbal courses, health consultations, and writing with the foundational belief that good health grows in nature. She is the author of the books Body into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self Care, Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies, and the new Herbal Remedies for Sleep.

    If you’d like to hear more from Maria, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for her website and social media channels. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your recipe card for Lemon Balm Fresh Tincture at: https://bit.ly/44KZonW.

    I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today.


    Get full show notes and more information at: herbswithrosaleepodcast.com

    For more behind-the-scenes of this podcast, follow @rosaleedelaforet on Instagram!

    The secret to using herbs successfully begins with knowing who YOU are. Get started by taking my free Herbal Jumpstart course when you sign up for my newsletter.

    If you enjoy the Herbs with Rosalee podcast, we could use your support! Please consider leaving a 5-star rating and review and sharing the show with someone who needs to hear it!

    On the podcast, we explore the many ways plants heal, as food, as medicine, and through nature connection. Each week, I focus on a single seasonal plant and share trusted herbal knowledge so that you can get the best results when using herbs for your health.

    Learn more about Herbs with Rosalee at

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    52 min
  • Motherwort with Thomas Avery Garran + Tension Relief Tincture
    May 15 2024

    I've spent many hours poring over Thomas Avery Garran’s materia medica books. In fact, his first book was one of the first herbal books that I bought when I started studying Chinese medicine! And as you’ll see in this episode, Thomas clearly loves plants and has wonderful insights into them, from their gifts and energetics to how to grow and harvest them.

    I was surprised when Thomas chose motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) as his plant for the interview – I just didn't see it coming! But as you’ll see, it’s obvious how much he loves motherwort, and he shares so much about this wonderful plant’s gifts – including his recipe for Tension Relief Tincture.

    By the way, if you are or know someone who suffers from PMS, this is one recipe you don’t want to miss! (You can find the link to the beautifully illustrated recipe card here.)

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► A lesser-known herbal preparation that can be made with motherwort

    ► How to recognize high-quality cut-and-dried motherwort

    ► Five tips for growing and harvesting your own motherwort

    ► The main health conditions for which motherwort’s gifts shine

    ► When you should (and shouldn’t) use motherwort

    ► Why Thomas is passionate about herb farming

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t know him, Thomas Avery Garran has been studying plant medicine for over 30 years. He lived in China for sixteen years and received his PhD in Materia Medica studies and Plant Pharmacy at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, and was the first non-Chinese recipient of this degree. He has a master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine and a certificate in herbal medicine from the American School of Herbalism. Thomas is the author of two books on the use of Western herbs in Chinese medicine; he is also the translator of the first book on growing and processing daodi Chinese herbs and the first men’s health book published in Chinese medicine in the mid 17th century. Thomas is also the co-translator of a free e-book on the initial response to the Covid outbreak by the Chinese medicine community in China. He is the executive director of the East West School of Herbology and president of Herb Whisperer, Inc. which focuses on agriculture of medicinal plants and education. Thomas now resides in Western Massachusetts where he and his wife are building an herbal sanctuary and educational center.

    If you’d like to hear more from Thomas, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for his website and social media channels. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your recipe card for Tension Relief Tincture at: https://bit.ly/4bstjU0.

    I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today.


    Get full show notes and more information at: herbswithrosaleepodcast.com

    For more behind-the-scenes of this podcast, follow @rosaleedelaforet on Instagram!

    The secret to using herbs successfully begins with knowing who YOU are. Get started by taking my free Herbal Jumpstart course when you sign up for my newsletter.

    If you enjoy the Herbs with Rosalee podcast, we could use your support! Please consider leaving a 5-star rating and review and sharing the show with someone who needs to hear it!

    On the podcast, we explore the many ways plants heal, as food, as medicine, and through nature...

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    1 h et 3 min
  • Rose with David Winston + Uplift Tea Blend
    May 8 2024

    I am thrilled to have David Winston back on the show! Like his last episode, which featured nettles, this episode is absolutely packed with knowledge and wisdom from David’s 55 years of experience. (Speaking of his incredible storehouse of herbal know-how, if you’d like to study with David, he’s enrolling students now! You can get the details in the show notes. I'm proud to promote David's course as an affiliate partner.)

    David’s love of rose really shines through in this episode, and he shares so many ways to work with this wonderful plant!

    As a listener, you also have access to David’s recipe for Uplift Tea Blend, as well as his recipe for Rose Petal and Holy Basil Infused Honey. (There’s a free, downloadable and printable recipe card available just for you.)

    When might you turn to rose? Here are just a few instances when the lovely rose can be helpful:

    ► When you’re grieving. As David says, “Roses are astonishing not only as a mood elevator, but for broken hearts.”

    ► As a tonic for your cardiovascular system

    ► To help quell gut inflammation and heal a leaky gut

    But in all of these cases, you need to know which roses are medicinally effective…and which aren’t. Tune in to the entire episode for all the details!

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

    ► What to look for (and what to avoid!) when selecting roses to use for medicine

    ► Nine herbal preparations you can use when working with rose petals, hips, and roots

    ► The people and conditions that can especially benefit from rose’s gifts

    ►The importance of gut health to your overall health

    ► The intriguing way rose is used in traditional Persian medicine

    ► The key difference between herbal and pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories (and why that matters for your health)

    ► and so much more…

    For those of you who don’t know David, he’s an Herbalist and Ethnobotanist with 55 years of training in Chinese, Western/Eclectic and Southeastern herbal traditions. He has been in clinical practice for 48 years and is an herbal consultant to physicians, herbalists and researchers throughout the USA, Europe and Canada. David is the founder/director of the Herbal Therapeutics Research Library and the dean of David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies, a two-year training program in clinical herbal medicine. He is an internationally known lecturer and frequently teaches at medical schools, professional symposia and herb conferences. He is the president of Herbalist & Alchemist, Inc. a manufacturer that produces herbal products that blend the art and science of the world’s great herbal traditions.

    In addition, David is a founding/professional member of the American Herbalist Guild, and he is on the American Botanical Council and the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Advisory Boards.

    He’s the author of many books including the co-author of Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief.

    David has taught thousands of herbalists around the world and is the recipient of many notable and prestigious awards and fellowships.

    If you’d like to hear more from David, which I highly recommend, then head to the show notes where you can get easy links for his website and social media channels, as well as information about his two-year course of study. You can also find the transcript for this episode in the show notes and you can access your recipe card for Uplift Tea Blend at: https://bit.ly/44sgXJ9.

    I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today!


    Get full show notes and more information at:

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    1 h et 14 min