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Heroes in a Half Mock
This episode is more than meets the MOCK!
It’s wabbit season! it’s draft season! It’s time for the guys to roll out their all-time favorite cartoons! But as always, things go off the rails faster than a certain four shell-kicking heroes scarfing down pizza.
Some picks are genius. Evil genius. And some will make you wonder, “Oh my God, what were they thinking?!”
PLUS: Let’s just say the theme song singing is... ruh roh!
So grab your Acme-certified headphones, tune in, and let us know—who picked the ultimate cartoon lineup, and who should say "D'oh!"
School of Mock Podcast
Mocking the world, one top five at a time. From cereals to sitcoms, nothing’s off-limits as Dave, Sruli, and Jon count down their best (and worst) picks with a dose of humor and debate. Subscribe for your weekly dose of wit, lists, and laughter!
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