Dr Emma Yhnell - scientist and senior lecturer - is joined by David Llewellyn who has been studying the history of vaccines from the late 1700s to now. He’ll be explaining the importance of combining scientific research with both historical research and collaborative working in his approach to answering the question: Where would we be without research?
Vaccines have dominated conversations in recent years with the COVID-19 pandemic and David, who is the Integrated Wellbeing Networks lead at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, delves into the history of vaccines, bringing the research back to the current day discussing the research and process behind the vaccines which were produced to combat the global pandemic.
History of vaccines - the speckled monster (04:27)
How far have we come since vaccines were first discovered? (08:34)
Combining historical facts with scientific research (11:20)
Are mRNA vaccines here to stay? (18:28)