• Historyfeels: The Podcast

  • Auteur(s): Brett Lange
  • Podcast

Historyfeels: The Podcast

Auteur(s): Brett Lange
  • Résumé

  • Covering the moments of history that make you "feel" something
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  • Taxes, Terror, and Tea: Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party
    Dec 21 2023

    On an April night in 1775 hundreds of British troops were been rallied for the express purpose of bringing to justice a pair of revolutionaries that had set the entire city of Boston on fire -   Samuel Adams and John Hancock. 


    These men were the architects of an almost three year long crisis that had driven the citizens of Boston into outright rebellion against their colonial masters, leading the charge in what would soon become the American Revolution. 


    In our episode this week we’ll honor the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party which just passed on December 16th, by looking at the story of how the spark of rebellion began in Boston and how the secret work of Adams, Hancock, and the Sons of Liberty culminated in a moment where the destruction of a common man’s beverage became a symbol of outright rebellion against the most powerful Empire on earth. 


    Support the Podcast: patreon.com/historyfeels_

    Email: historyfeels1986@gmail.com

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    34 min
  • Architect of an Empire: Napoleon Bonaparte's Rise to Power. Part 2
    Dec 7 2023

    This week we’ll complete the trajectory of Napoleon’s rise to power, focusing not as much on his military might but instead on his political savvy that culminated in his personal rubicon moment, where he took on the Revolutionary Government itself in a coup attempt that came within a hair's width of complete failure. 


    All the while, as the intentions of the young General from Corsica became increasingly clear, a choice faced the leaders of the French Republic was this - when you have to stop a man with seemingly limitless ambition and all the support of the mob on his side, is there any price that is not worth paying, even if the cost is paid in blood? 


    Support the Podcast: patreon.com/historyfeels_

    Email: historyfeels1986@gmail.com

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    30 min
  • Architect of an Empire: Napoleon Bonaparte's Rise to Power. Part 1
    Nov 29 2023


    In the 19th century there was one man who disrupted the political order of Europe in a way that nobody had since the days of Julius Caesar - Napoleon Bonaparte. The French General turned self declared Emperor emerged at a time when the once promising French revolution had fallen into chaos and bloodshed. But Napoleon took the seeds of the revolution and transformed them into a new political order that turned Europe on its head. In the process Napoleon would find himself battling the kings and rulers of the old system in not just one, but seven different wars designed to reign in his influence on the continent. 


    Over the next few weeks we are also going to look at Napoleon Bonaparte from a few different viewpoints - as a general, a politician, and finally as a simple human being whose personal life and emotions sometimes won out over his greater abilities. All of these complexities together are needed to get the picture of the man who set the world of Europe on fire, and also might have saved it at the same time. 


    Support the Podcast: patreon.com/historyfeels_

    Email: historyfeels1986@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min

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