Welcome back to FOREVER FRIDAY, the podcast that goes into pointless detail about all the pointless details of Friday the 13th. We're talking 13 minutes of Friday the 13th Part 2, specifically 52-1:05.
Jason shows those counsellors what a real gamer looks like when he mimics a fellow baldie killer and just starts taking people out. Just be careful of that dirty water. We also cover underage sex scenes and Bruce Willis' harmonica skills. Oh, and we're still talking Michael Myers and whether he could take our favourite backwards idiot.
Host: Dev Elson
Co-Host: Alex Boucher
Editor: Dev Elson
Forever Friday on Twitter: @friday_podcast
Support all of Dev's projects on: patreon.com/shootthatnebula
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Intro: Let The Bodies Hit The Floor by Drowning Pool, Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah by Allan Sherman, and Itsy Bitsy by Joey Deluxe. Outro: Sail Away Tiny Sparrow by Harry Manfredi ft. Angela Routella.