Ep 130 Description: “Maternity care is everybody's business, acknowledging the deep need for improvement and making sure that people have something concrete and specific based on where they are and their own journey as a consumer of maternity care.” —Jill Wodnick Maternal health is a global issue that impacts families worldwide. Equitable access to quality care and the right to safe, respectful birth experiences are fundamental human rights. Yet too many mothers continue to face disparities, trauma, and preventable complications. Jill Wodnick is a Lamaze childbirth educator, doula, and maternal health policy expert dedicated to advancing respectful, evidence-based maternity care. She serves on national advisory councils and provides technical assistance to community organizations. Tune in as Jill shares the powerful history and legacy of the 123forMOMS movement, the complex role of doulas and Medicaid reimbursement, as well as strategies for advocating for quality indicators and respectful care during pregnancy and childbirth, and more. Connect with Debra! Website: https://www.orgasmicbirth.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orgasmicbirth X: https://twitter.com/OrgasmicBirth YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/OrgasmicBirth1 Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@orgasmicbirth Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debra-pascali-bonaro-1093471 Episode Highlights: 03:22 Meet Jill- Professional Birth Advocate 08:34 123forMOMS 13:15 Expanding 123forMOMS 20:36 Advocating for Quality Maternity Care 27:34 The Forgotten Chakra Are you an expectant parent or doula or birth provider? We have a special FREE gift for you! Visit OrgasmicBirth.com/More to learn more!” Introducing The Movie That's Changing How We Links Mentioned: 💗Doula Medicaid State of the States- Youtube presentation https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/health/2018/01/24/new-jersey-women-more-likely-die-childbirth-first-maternal-health-day/1055741001/ 💗ProPublica-The Last Person You'd Ever Expect to Die in Childbirth https://www.propublica.org/article/die-in-childbirth-maternal-death-rate-health-care-system 💗Tara Hanson Foundation https://www.tarahansenfoundation.com/ 💗Dreeah Austin (NJ mom) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/special-report/why-did-dreeah-austin-die-pregnancy-related-causes-preventable-newark-new-jersey-maternal-deaths-maternal-health-system-gaps/ 💗Lamaze International https://www.lamaze.org/ 💗NJ Maternity Care Report Card: https://www.nj.gov/health/maternal/morbidity/mhh_reportcard/ 💗March of Dimes Signs of Preterm Labor https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/birth/signs-and-symptoms-preterm-labor 💗Preeclampsia Foundation https://www.preeclampsia.org/ Resources: 💗 Become a doula! Debra offers virtual DONA Birth Doula training throughout the year. Learn more and get started on your journey here: https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/dona-birth-doula-training 💗Join me in Bali, Indonesia for Eat Pray Doula. Our DONA Birth Doula Training is a unique 7-day retreat for beginning doulas and our Advanced Skills Retreat is perfect for those looking to expand their skillset and nourish themselves amongst like-minded Birthkeepers from around the world. www.eatpraydoula.com