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In This Episode:
✨ - Intro
✨ - Helen's Gratitude As Alchemy Workshop in December. For more info visit: - Receive 20% Off if you mention the podcast!
✨ - Anne's Cosmic Nudge: Redefining Romance and a deprivation mindset.
✨ - Listener Question from Megan: I know that our bodies and minds are very connected, but does anxiety ever present itself in a solely physical way? There have been several times where I can't sleep, I have a racing heart and chest pain, yet I can't think of a specific thing that is causing me anxiety. I'm also not experiencing the usual mental games - the what ifs, the intrusive thoughts, the relentless processing of thoughts like I'm a burden to my family, etc. ...
✨ - When you don't have story along with the physical discomfort it's either physically stored in your body and ready for transformation through physical action- or it's part of the "whole" experience.
✨ - This is a great service for the whole of humanity.
✨ - Helen's Question for this episode: What does it mean to be me at this time on earth, on this path in this body at this amazing, unprecedented time on Earth. And what do you want it to mean?
We'll post on instagram and if you want to play along leave a comment for either question!
✨ - Conscious Co-Creation for the Holidays sign up:
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✨For info on upcoming events, free resources, and consults with Helen visit
✨ "Metaphysical Street Smarts" is for entertainment and informational purposes only. The content shared on this podcast is not intended to be professional advice -- legal, medical, metaphysical, or otherwise. We encourage you to do your own research, trust your intuition, and consult with a qualified professional where needed. We're here to share and spark ideas!
✨As always we invite you to take what blesses you and leave the rest.
Thanks for tuning in and spending time with us. Until next time, stay grounded!
🎧Master of Mastering: Brad McIntyre.
🎵Theme music: