In this episode, Rebekah Tinker, LCSW, returns to “Sessions” to share her experiences treating eating disorders and the intersection of eating disorders with gender and sexuality. Rebekah and Rob emphasize the need for the whole family to be involved in the treatment process, as eating disorders often stem from family dynamics and patterns. Rebekah also highlights the rise of body shame and disordered eating in the LGBTQ community and the need for therapists to address the societal factors that contribute to these issues. Rebekah and Rob discuss the importance of creating a safe and accepting therapeutic environment where clients can explore their relationship with their bodies and work towards self-acceptance.
Related Blogs:
LGBTQ+ Mental Health: How To Support Your Youth
How To Best Support and Accept Your LGBTQ Youth
Ask a Therapist: How Do You Identify Eating Disorders in Adolescence?Eating Disorders in Teens
Related Videos:
What to Know About Eating Disorder Treatment | Embark Sessions
Eating Disorders: How Parents Can Support Their Child | Roadmap to Joy
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About Rebekah Tinker, LCSW
Rebekah believes the therapeutic relationship is built from trust and sincerity. Her hope is to hold space for a genuine connection that fosters dynamic self-reflection. Looking deeper into the layers of experience that inform our internal gaze and external lens, and what we intrinsically value and believe. Whether you are looking to unravel patterns of codependency, improve communication with your partner(s), or navigate through body shame and disordered eating, Rebekah sees opportunity for clarity and resolve.
Her clinical approach holds an intersectional feminist and psychodynamic lens. Each session is focused on deconstructing conscious and unconscious beliefs and behaviors. Weeding out what holds us captive in doubt, while empowering individuality and acceptance of self.
She specializes in relationships, sex and sexuality, body image, disordered eating, and identity development. She works with couples, adults, and adolescents of all genders and sexualities.
About Rob
Dr. Rob Gent, Ph.D., is the Chief Clinical Officer and one of the founding members of Embark Behavioral Health. Rob has been with the company for 15 years and has led the Embark organization in the clinical development and growth of numerous programs. He is the lead developer of the proprietary CASA Developmental Framework, which is pervasive throughout Embark’s programs.
Through his dedication to advancing clinical development, practice, and research, he has...