In a time when so much has been lost, what does it mean to grieve well? In this episode, America’s audio producer, Maggi Van Dorn, turns the mic on herself to capture a more intimate side of a subject that is already pretty personal- the experience of grief. To help her unpack this strange and unpredictable force, she turns to friends and people whose lives have also been visited by grief. Support this podcast by subscribing to America! Related Links: Ben Perry: Crying as a spiritual discipline may change how you see the world Liz Hauck: Home Made: A Story of Grief, Groceries, Showing Up & What We Make When We Make Dinner. Britt Luby: I felt alone after my miscarriage. Then other women (like Meghan Markle) began sharing their stories. How to celebrate with the graduate in your life who is grieving the loss of a loved one Fr. Richard Leonard, S.J.: Where the Hell Is God?