This week, @JackSucksAtLife joins the podcast to unravel the stories behind his vast collection of YouTube Play Buttons! Our hosts don’t hold back, delving into deep questions such as - Does Sam actually smell of apricots? Who’s Rick? And How to hack into Society Awards for a 10 Mil Play Button? This podcast is not one to hold back from getting personal as Jack uncovers his relationship with KSI; the controversies surrounding himself, turd boi420 and his tenuous relationship with YouTube. Also, find out how Jack met MrBeast as he sends his Play Button into Space and whether he’d ever return PewdiePie’s 100 Million PlayButton… There’s plenty of surprises and its all to ‘Play’ for in this episode, as we take a look into whether Jack does suck at life? And, if so, whether he could be the missing third?
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