Well delivered and received feedback can make good projects truly great.
Learning how to navigate the ego and deliver appropriate critiques with tact, timing is a skill that can be learnt.
It can also be taught. If you are an artist, writer, entrepreneur or creative, it is vital you know how to get those around to give you feedback that you can use.
Self awareness is key:
Do you need critique or cheerleading? What about when the project is complete?
Do you want advice or general ‘feelings’ reported back?
Do you want a discussion or summary?
Timing is key:
It is important to nurture creative projects until they are able to hold their own. Too soon, and the critique could kill, too late and the project may be to solidified.
Take Action:
Take a moment to introspect on your creative process, do you need more cheerleading or critiquing?
Books Covered:
Shadows Beneath - Writing Excuses Anthology
KINK, Volume 1, erotic fiction & poetry - Zachary Phillips