Mutual Fund investments are one of the fastest upcoming investment instruments in India, and it serves not just a particular investing appetite but takes care of all types of investors - passive, aggressive, tax-savers and more. But there are still a lot of myths and doubts around the safety of the instrument mostly because "Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, please read the offer document before investing"... 😂. To add people from the previous generations, our parents, mostly fathers and the wisdom-dhaari uncles ridicule MFs as if they are set-up to dupe the system. For them, FDs are the most safe and the best way to save and appreciate money. I don't agree and so does our guest, Santosh Navlani, COO, ETMONEY believes and has solid reasons to back himself.
The instrument not just delivers better returns, it is so well regulated that there can be no running away or duping with your money. This episode on The Money Owl is an answer to all the myths around Mutual Funds. In the next two parts to this episode, we further discuss how to invest in a Mutual Fund and how ELSS category funds are super-helpful to every tax payer cum investor.