Ready to learn how to start leveraging your knowledge to make some extra cash? Ria Christina is an entrepreneur, organizational architect, business consultant, speaker and trainer who specializes in helping others create multiple streams of income. Ria is a firm believer that each individual should have multiple income streams so that if something happens to one, that individual’s standard of living does not have to be severely impacted. A banker for almost 20 years, Ria is the author of over eight books (print & ebooks) including, “It’s Time to Push,” “In Pursuit of Destiny for the Kingdom-Minded Entrepreneur,” and “How to Make Extra Money – Identify & Create Multiple Income Streams.” Ria is also a certified DISC personality trainer, where participants are engaged to self-assess, gain new perspectives toward their strengths and corresponding blindspots, as well as learn how to best communicate with others. - Subscribe On YouTube: - Download Your Free Virtual Stage Secrets Ebook: