TRUE WILL is the 7th topic of the #DaretoBeLove Journey and the 1st topic of STEP 3: HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF. We will be working on stepping beyond the fear of our Shadows.
True Will is a crucial step when trying to foster and open to Being Love, especially when attempting to do this in the face or presence of another. True Will comes from the heart; it is a vulnerable yet courageous space where our individual perspective and truth can be present alongside that of another.
For example: When in an altercation with another, at what point during the discussion or sharing process do you feel the calmest? Odds are, it’s in the space after you have shared your most raw, vulnerable and authentic truth of the situation and felt seen and heard, and not when your unhealthy ego (shadow element) has tried to manipulate your truth or that of another in such a way that you feel you have won the argument. You can also achieve this by affording another this space to share, merely holding the moment in silence, and letting go of all desired responses.
This art of sharing and listening is how we open to True Will, allowing us also to be present for the situation, our perspective and that of another with Love and non-resistance.
In this episode, Jacqui and Tanagh explore the differences between True Will and Truth while sharing their own experiences with opening up to True Will. They unpack ways you move into a space of True Will, discussing tools so that you too can communicate and act in this way with others, whether they be your loved ones, family, friends or foes.