In this episode, Tamas Hovanyecz joins us to explore how meaningful human conversations can reshape business for the better. Instead of the usual “What do you do?” we’ll dig into “Who are you?”—a subtle shift that sparks trust, vulnerability, and holistic solutions. We’ll talk about creating the psychological safety needed for authentic dialogue and how entrepreneurs and Changemakers can hold space for deeper connection with their clients. We’ll also consider how “relational design” can help cultivate intentional spaces—online and offline—where real human exchanges lead to lasting impact. If you’re ready to slow down and nurture conversations that truly matter, this episode is for you. Here’s what we addressed in this episode: How slowing down and connecting on a human level leads to more effective, holistic solutionsShifting from “What do you do?” to “Who are you?” to foster authentic, meaningful conversationsThe importance of psychological safety in building trust and honest collaborationHow small business owners can create deeper relationships with clients through dialogue and vulnerabilityDesigning relational spaces—both online and offline—that encourage genuine human connectionExploring the concept of “relational design” to spark lasting change in organizationsand so much more... --- How We Can Change The World With More Meaningful Human Conversations Sarah: hello, humane marketers. welcome back to the humane marketing podcast, the place to be for the generation that cares. this is a show where we talk about running your business in a way that feels good to you, is aligned with your values, and also resonates with today's conscious customers because it's humane, ethical, and non pushy. i'm sarah zaneck rocha, your hippie turned conscious business coach for quietly rebellious entrepreneurs and change makers, mama bear of the humane marketing circle and renegade author of marketing like we're human, selling like we're human, and soon also my third book, business like we're human. if after listening to the show for a while, you're ready to move on to the next level and start implementing and would welcome a community of like minded, quietly rebellious entrepreneurs who discuss with transparency what works and what doesn't work in business, then we'd love to welcome you in our humane marketing circle. if you're picturing your typical facebook group, let me paint a new picture for you. this is a closed community of like minded entrepreneurs from all over the world who come together in two meetups per month to hold each other accountable and build their business in a conscious and sustainable way. we all share with transparency and vulnerability what works and what doesn't work in our business so that you can figure out what works for you instead of keep throwing spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks. find out more at humane dot marketing forward slash circle. twice per year, i host my signature program, the marketing like we're human, aka the client resonator program live in a deep dive into the seven p's of the humane marketing mandala, you will learn to market from within. this program is for you if you want and need to get more clients, but want to share your message in an ethical and humane way. if you want to make a difference with your work. if you are just starting out or if you have been in business for a while, but haven't really found the marketing activities that work for you. or also if you are pivoting your business from business as usual to your life's work and want to radically change the way you get clients. find out more at humane dot marketing forward slash program. and finally, if you prefer one on one support from me, my humane business coaching could be just what you need, whether it's for your marketing, sales, general business building, or help with your big idea like writing a book. i'd love to share my brain and my heart with you together with my almost twenty years business experience and help you grow a sustainable business that is joyful and sustainable. if you love this podcast, wait until i show you my mama bear qualities as my one on one client. find out more at humane dot marketing forward slash coaching. Sarah: welcome back, humane marketers. happy twenty twenty five. i hope you had a good break. if you had one, i hope you did. welcome to another year of meaningful conversations around humane marketing and business building in order to create a business that contributes to making this world a better place. you may have noticed it already last year that there are fewer episodes than your typical podcast, but that's actually intentional. because i really want to create less but more meaningful content. so i try to handpick my guests and bring you people who i really feel are doing things differently. so having fewer episodes also contributes to creating more spaciousness for both of us, which is one of my ...