A big part of becoming a truly product-driven organization is getting better at understanding the needs of your customers, and improving your products to meet their needs. In this video, Mary, Dave, and Lance take on the topic of customer journey mapping and show you how this tool can help you align around the needs of your customer. They’ll explain how this technique can identify the customer experience and put specific actions in place to court correct and wee out any of the negative experiences customers are having with your product.
Contacting Mary Lloyd If you’d like to contact Mary, you can reach her at:
LeadingAgile: www.leadingagile.com/guides/mary-lloyd/ LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mary-lawson-lloyd/ Email: mary.lloyd@leadingagile.com
Contacting Lance Kind If you'd like to contact Lance, you can reach him at:
LeadingAgile: www.leadingagile.com/guides/lance-kind/ LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lancer-kind/ X: x.com/LancerKind Email: lance.kind@leadingagile.com
Contacting Dave Prior If you’d like to contact Dave, you can reach him at:
LeadingAgile: www.leadingagile.com/guides/dave-prior/ LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mrsungo X: x.com/mrsungo Email: dave.prior@leadingagile.com
If you have a question you’d like to submit for an upcoming podcast, please send them to dave.prior@leadingagile.com
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