Want to embrace emotional intelligence on your conscious parenting journey?
Micaela Passeri joins me today to talk about how emotions lead us to everything we do, the top 3 emotions that trip us up in life and emotional ninja hacks to manage these emotions.Micaela is a 6-time Award Winning Emotional Intelligence Business Strategist, Coach, International Speaker, Best Selling Author and Community Leader with over 20 years of experience building 6 and 7 figure businesses. Learn more about Micaela and her work here: https://loveyourevolution.com/.
Want to learn more about emotional intelligence with Micaela? Book a complimentary discovery call here.
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March 6, 2025
Episode 226
How to Banish Shame and Embrace Emotional Intelligence as a Conscious Parent with Micaela Passeri
About Your Host:
Cara Tyrrell, M.Ed is mom to three girls, a Vermont based Early Childhood Educator and the founder of Core4Parenting. She is the passionate mastermind behind the Collaborative Parenting Methodology™, a birth-to-five, soul and science based framework that empowers toddler parents and educators to turn tantrums into teachable moments. Through keynotes, teacher training, and her top-ranking podcast, Transforming the Toddler Years, she’s teaching the 5 Executive Functioning Skills kids need to navigate our ever-changing world.
Ready to raise world-ready kids who change the world? Visit www.caratyrrell.com to begin your Collaborative Parenting journey!