Dr. Kate knows what it takes to believe things can be different. If she didn't she would be stuck in an abusive marriage fearing for her two small children and herself like she was 21 years ago. She reminds us how to tap into our own inner truth, courage and wisdom to engage with the possibilities of this life we have. Dr. Kate invites you to take one step towards creating your dream future that can help humanity grow as well. You might check out her TEDX talk that shares this story in a powerful way http://bit.ly/MyTedxABQ (bit.ly/MyTedxABQ) It's Her Turn website and social media links: website http://www.katedow.com (www.katedow.com) My Book Fear-Less:The Art of Using Anxiety to Your Advantage https://bit.ly/Fear-LessBook (https://bit.ly/Fear-LessBook) Podcast Dr Kate Dow FB page https://www.facebook.com/drkatedowfemininewisdom (https://www.facebook.com/drkatedowfemininewisdom) FB Community group Fearless Feminine Wisdom https://bit.ly/FFWfacebookgroup (https://bit.ly/FFWfacebookgroup)