In this week’s Real Life Work podcast, I provide ten answers to the ‘how to change a work culture’ question people so often ask.
10 Ways to Change a Work Culture In this week’s Real Life Work podcast, I provide ten answers to the ‘how to change a work culture’ question people so often ask. How long does it take to change a work culture?
If you want to change a work culture, and change that culture relatively quickly, you must fundamentally change your key work system designs. These new designs help leaders develop daily work habits that support a high performance workplace.
What do I mean by fundamental work systems change? Well, to help you gain a better perspective of what I mean, here is a list of ten key things that you can do right now.
Personally, I have seen the impact these changes make. I am confident that if you give at least a few of them a try, you too will begin see a noticeable difference in a short amount of time.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Change Work Systems to Shift Work Cultures Most importantly, keep this in mind. If you want to sustain a lean six sigma, operational excellence, or kaizen pursuit, you must first begin a culture change.
Few workplaces get to start from scratch and design your system...