"What do I want?
If you can take a few minutes and really everything like when we're making these changes, it will take work. It will take time. It will take attention. It doesn't have to take a lot of those things, but it will require some. We are either paying with our time or our money. And I think the best place to start is with your time in answering this question.
And what I find with my clients, because we really thoroughly start here and go with creating what it would even look like if they had the light, we're living the life of joy and balance and, and peace and calm and confidence, right? And so many times I asked this question and the answer is: I don't know."
Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?
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If you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over…
If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…
You're not alone.
For every other thing we do in life there's training, but for the most important job, we're just figuring it out as we go.
Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.
Join us for our in person event April 2024: universityformoms.com Instagram @universityformoms
What questions do you have in mom life? Email me and let me know: hello@universityformoms.com