
  • #1 Reason to Use a CRM for Sales
    Sep 14 2022

    This is the #1 reason for lost #sales, and the #fix is really simple.  This video explains how to fix this problem that can cost your company millions of dollars in lost sales.  

    #business #sales #smallbusiness #midsizebusiness #profit 

    Most businesses struggle with increasing profits year after year and sometimes even struggle to make a profit.  Small and midsize business owners hire us to double, triple or more their profits quickly using NO-COST strategies, all done without spending an additional nickel on advertising or marketing!  

    If you would like more information about how we can help move your small business to a more profitable and less stressful purpose built machine in a matter of weeks, visit our website:   https://RestructureBiz.com

    SIDE BENEFIT FOR YOU -> FREE:  We have installed the PipeDrive CRM in many businesses successfully.  You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain:  If you would like to just try PipeDrive CRM (Contact Relationship Management) software for FREE with NO credit card for the trial, click here:  https://www.pipedrive.com/taf/738334311151829 

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    11 min
  • Problems to Solutions Examples - Profit Improvement for Small & Midsize Businesses
    Aug 24 2022

    Some real life examples of problem solving for your #smallbusiness or #midsizebusiness, how to begin by asking questions to coming up with the problem, then the size of the problem in dollars, then solution and finally implementation.  Various examples are discussed, but the key is that it doesn't matter what widget your company produces or what service offerings you provide.  Problems exist everywhere, otherwise your employees wouldn't have a job, but it's the problems that you don't know that are there and the problems that you know are there but you can't seem to fix that are important and this is the purpose of this and the other videos on my channel.  

    Small and midsize business owners hire me to double, triple or more their profits quickly, without spending another nickel on marketing or ads, using no-cost proprietary strategies.

    If you would like more information about how we can help move your small or midsize business to a more profitable and less stressful purpose built machine in a matter of weeks, visit our website now:   https://RestructureBiz.com

    #business #smallbusiness #sales #profit 

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    13 min
  • How to Weed Out Weak Customers & Suppliers
    Aug 16 2022

    Only the strong survive, so why allow weak customers and suppliers to affect your business?  What does this mean?  Check out the video and it will explain this fully.  

    Most businesses struggle with increasing profits year after year and sometimes even struggle to make a profit.  Small and midsize business owners hire us to double, triple or more their profits quickly using NO-COST strategies, all done without spending an additional nickel on advertising or marketing!

    #business #smallbusiness #sales #midsizebusiness #midsizedbusiness #profit 

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    4 min
  • Habits - Management Changes
    Aug 5 2022

    How to #implement changes in your #smallbusiness or #midsizebusiness is covered in this short video, discussing habits and the amount of time it takes to form them.  #sales #profit #business We help established small and midsized businesses who have at least $1 million per year in sales to move their #business from being a patchwork mishmash of people and little to no systems to a purposefully built, tuned, #money making machine, that delivers higher profits and less stress to the ownership.

    We help established small and midsized businesses who have at least $1 million per year in sales to move their #business from being a patchwork mishmash of people and little to no systems to a purposefully built, tuned, #money making machine, that delivers higher profits and less stress to the ownership.

    If you would like more information about how we can help move your small or midsized business to a more profitable and less stressful purpose built machine, quickly, visit our website now:   https://HumaLytic.com

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    4 min
  • Easy Action to Improve Job Profits - Service Businesses
    Jul 30 2022

    If you have a #construction related #business or a #dealership that #services #equipment or #vehicles, or another #service #business that you have fixed cost bids to your customers, then are you using Parkinson's Law to your advantage?  Do you use the fact that people will work within the time frame you provide them to complete tasks and they will fill the time if you allow it? This video explains why and how to quickly implement a change to your job #management process to help cut labor costs by 5%, 10% or even more resulting in higher job profitability.  #business #smallbusiness #servicebusiness #construction #electrical #plumbing #HVAC 

    We help established small and midsized businesses who have at least  $1 million per year in sales to move their #business from being a patchwork mishmash of people and little to no systems to a purposefully built, tuned, #money making machine, that delivers higher profits and less stress to the ownership. Over the last 20 YEARS Alek has implemented #PROCESSES to #RESULTS in #smallbusinesses and #midsizedbusinesses quickly.  

    If you would like more information about how we can help move your small business to a more profitable and less stressful purpose built machine in a matter of weeks, visit our website now:   https://HumaLytic.com

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    5 min
  • Increase Sales NOW the Right Way
    Jul 21 2022

    All #smallbusiness and #midsizebusiness should be increasing sales as a rule & #goal.  However, many do not and the reason is not because they don't want to make more money, the primary reason is they will expect or know that they will take on more work and responsibility personally.  Do you have this situation where you don't want more business because you don't want "more headaches"?  The reason for why this happens is covered in this video and an explanation on how to #fix your #business to allow for consistent #profitable #growth is given.    

    We help established small and midsized businesses who have at least $1 million per year in sales to move their #business from being a patchwork mishmash of people and little to no systems to a purposefully built, tuned, #money making machine, that delivers higher profits and less stress to the ownership. Over the last 20 YEARS Alek has implemented #PROCESSES to #RESULTS in #smallbusinesses and #midsizedbusinesses quickly.   

    Go now to our website and book your FREE strategic video consult directly with Alek at https://humalytic.com/appointments or CALL NOW (312) 407-6580.  If you would like more information about how we can help move your small business to a more profitable and less stressful purpose built machine in a matter of weeks, visit our website now:   https://HumaLytic.com

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    9 min
  • How to Fix Business Problems
    Jul 19 2022

    There are two paths to follow to fix the #business #problems you have not been able to solve.  This short video explains those two specific paths. 

    We help established small and midsized #businesses who have at least $1 million per year in sales to move their business from being a patchwork mishmash of people and little to no systems to a purposefully built, tuned, money making machine, that delivers higher profits and less stress to the ownership. Over the last 20 YEARS Alek has implemented #PROCESSES to #RESULTS in #smallbusinesses and #midsizedbusinesses quickly.   

    Visit our website now for much more great content and information:   https://HumaLytic.com OR 

    Visit our YouTube Channel for many great business improvement free content: https://www.youtube.com/c/HowtoFixYourSmallBusinessProblems

    #smallbusiness #sales #profit 

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    3 min
  • #1 Risk from your Customers
    Jul 11 2022

    The biggest #risk from your #customers explained.

    #business #smallbusiness #sales #profits

    We help established small and midsized #businesses who have at least $1 million per year in sales to move their business from being a patchwork mishmash of people and little to no systems to a purposefully built, tuned, money making machine, that delivers higher profits and less stress to the ownership. Over the last 20 YEARS Alek has implemented #PROCESSES to #RESULTS in #smallbusinesses and #midsizedbusinesses quickly. 

    Go now to our website and book your FREE strategic video consult directly with Alek at 

    https://humalytic.com/appointments or 

    CALL NOW (312) 407-6580.

    If you would like more information about how we can help move your small business to a more profitable and less stressful purpose built machine in a matter of weeks, visit our website now: 


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    3 min