The girlies allow themselves to be ministered to by two God-fearing Christian women via a book titled, "Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl's Heart: Discovering the Beauty and Freedom of God-Defined Sexuality." By Bethany Beal and Kristen Clark
sources for when the ministry didn't hit as deep and we needed to result to science:
Love the Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance by Janet R. Jakobsen and Ann Pelligrini
Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski, Ph. D.
Jesus Camp produced by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady
Give Me Sex Jesus created by Mathew Barber and Britney Machado
AOD Method
Support Groups to try!
Journey Free
Recovering From Religion this one isn't directly religious trauma support but complex PTSD and depression
more general support group links:
Support Group Central