As school counselors, we know that not all of our students are going to go to college after graduating. However, for the students who do have college in their future plans, we want to make the application process as accessible as possible. Cue: College Application Day!
Hosting a College Application Day is one of the best ways that we can support students as they begin their college application journey. Applying to colleges is an intimidating step for many high schoolers, so hosting a day dedicated to walking them through the process gives them a safe space to tackle this task!
Now if you’ve never hosted a College Application Day before, you may be wondering what you need to do to get this event rolling and make it as successful as possible. I’ve got you covered! In this episode, I’ll walk you through all the details of hosting a College Application Day from beginning to end. Hopefully, with my advice, you’ll be ready to plan and execute an epic College Application Day at your school this year!
Resources Mentioned:
- High School Counselor Kickstart Course:
- I Applied Bulletin Board:
- College Application Day Pennant Bulletin Board:
- College Application Day Photo Booth Props:
- College Awareness Bulletin Board:
- Free Playlist: College Application Day Spotify Playlist:
- More episodes on college readiness:
- Blog - All the Steps for Hosting a Successful College Application Day: