This week’s Real Life Work podcast looks at how to use ten training effectiveness measures to measure training effectiveness.
Top Ten Workplace Training Effectiveness Measures Often, even the best organizations struggle to effectively measure workplace training. For example, multiple Baldrige recipients in recent years continue to rely on course participation and completion rates as primary training effectiveness indicators.
From an overall results and work systems design perspective, these companies are high performers. Why don’t they measure training differently?
Some do. They simply do not want to use their limited application space to show results they can more effectively, and completely, share on site.
However, only a small percentage of workplaces can use such an excuse. Most don’t measure training effectiveness at all. Some struggle to provide evidence of any formal training.
Organizations often measure training cost, training hours, and completion rates. Unfortunately, they rarely combine these metrics for the purpose of work systems effectiveness review.
For example, how do training investments affect process error, equipment failure, and workplace injury rates? How do we choose the best training investment if we need performance gains in a specific area?
In this podcast, I share a progressive list of possible training effectiveness metrics. Keep in mind those at the top of the list may seem familiar, but they are also the weakest gauges.