Many people don't understand the true devastation caused by single use plastic until they see it. Lindsey McCoy, CEO of Plaine Products, witnessed this environmental challenge firsthand while working to clean up beaches in the Bahamas.
After that, she took what she knew from the world of Non-Profit work and started Plaine Products with her sister. Lindsey thought about the original product design for Netflix. Remember when you would get a DVD in the mail and return it when you were done? Well, she thought "why can't we do something like that with beauty products?"
Last year alone, they eliminated 110,000 single use plastic bottles. The idea for Plaine Products hasn't come without it's challenges. We're discussing manufacturing roadblocks but we're also touching on best practices for the use of eco-friendly shampoo and conditioners. A lot of people complain that toxin-free haircare doesn't do the trick - listen to the episode and you'll walk away with best practices to achieve that squeaky clean feeling.
We're ending the conversation with a discussion about what it actually takes to grow and market products that aren't on the shelves at Target. As Lindsey says, "it's the kindness of strangers," that allows these movements to grow. If you appreciate what Lindsey is doing, consider getting started with Plaine Products through my affiliate link!
In today's episode, we're chatting about:
- Plaine Product's origin story
- Why Plaine Products uses aloe-based hair care
- The why and how behind the nostalgic scents in Plaine Products
- The impact report that reflects the change Plaine Products is bringing to the world
- Lindsey's vision of the future for Plaine Products
- Purchase your Plaine Products here and use code WENDY for 20% off
Read more in the show notes on my Personal Blog, HERE!
Connect with Lindsey:
Download the Top 25 Toxins to Avoid and become a label reading pro!
Getting started with red light therapy with 40% off the LUMEBOX.
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- Shop toxin free products on my Toxin Free Shopping Guide
- Download your free 25 Toxins to Avoid
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- Want to ask me a question to get answered on the podcast? Leave me a voice message here.