#GrowInWisdom is for those who desire to AVOID FOOLISH people, FOOLISH choices and the SIN of FOOLISHNESS (Prov. 24:9) Sean Isaacs is a Christian serial entrepreneur and Bible teacher, with the Heart of a Shepherd and the mind of a Marketer. Since WISDOM is the PRINCIPAL thing and the most excellent of all possessions, you MUST do all you can to GET and GROW in WISDOM. If you are serious about growing in wisdom, check out the below. #DailyNuggetsOfWisdom #YourQuestionsAnswered #WisdomForSalesAndMarketing If Jesus was FILLED with Wisdom and GREW in Wisdom, you would be a FOOL not to Get Wisdom (Luke 2:40; 52). For those serious about understanding WHAT Biblical wisdom is, HOW to GET IT and WHY it is critical for everyday living, then you must subscribe to this channel. Daily Videos - #DailyNuggetsOfWisdom Weekly Videos - #YourQuestionsAnswered Study the text below, they challenge you to GET WISDOM Pro_4:5 Pro_4:7 Pro_16:16 Pro_m17:16 #GrowInWisdo