Welcome to the Life After ECT podcast!
In this episode, we discuss:
- The reality of forced ECT still happening today.
- MindFreedom International's Shield Program, which helps protect against unwanted psychiatric treatment.
- The importance of psychiatric advance directives to formally assert your treatment preferences.
Learn how these resources can help you or a loved one, and how you can get involved in advocating for human rights in mental health care.
Life After ECT Inc. is not directly affilated with Mindfreedom International -- we believe they are an invaluble human rights resource and want to make those at risk of forced treatment aware of the support they offer.
About Life After ECT Inc.
Life After ECT Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) charitble organazation dedicated to improving the lives of those harmed by electroconvulsive therapy through education, advocacy and research. Learn more about what we do and how you can support our work: Looking to a Brighter Future for Those Harmed by ECT
Show Notes