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New year is a tough time for a lot of people and many make it even harder on themselves by trying to manifest a whole new life right from January 1st. Most new year resolutions rely on willpower which just sets you up for failure - it's tiring and exhausting. So how do you change everything you want to and manifest the life and love you can't stop thinking about this year? In this 2-parter, I share the strategies that me and my clients use to manifest the year we want so you can use them to transform your life.
By listening to this episode, you’ll discover:
- The truth about manifesting and new year resolutions
- The first four exercises to help you get into alignment and finally manifest that dream year
- This is a 'do the work' episode, so have a pen and paper ready!
If you enjoyed this episode and had an ‘aha’ moment, take a selfie or a screenshot of the episode and post on Instagram, tagging me - @themanifestingmindset
If you’d like to submit a question or share a manifesting story to be featured on a future episode, then you can DM me (@themanifestingmindset) on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, or email me
To access all my other manifesting resources, then head to this page and give your manifesting a boost!
Key topics in this episode:
· How to make manifesting work
· How to get the manifestations you want
· How to manifest anything
· Manifesting for beginners
· Why manifesting isn't working
· Why something isn't manifesting
· How to manifest love
· How to get over an ex
· How to heal from heartbreak