Do you always feel like you don't have enough or can never get ahead with finances? If so, then tune into this ep with Financial and Money Mindset Coach, Kim Kent to find out how you can get out of debt and start creating your path towards financial freedom.
In this ep, Kim chats about all things money and finances and delves into two key themes that impact upon one's financial future; mindset and management around money. Kim also shares her practical tips around how to develop a healthier relationship with money, how to take back control of your finances and how to start saving + so much more.
You can find Kim on instagram here
For more info on Kim's Wealthy As F^ck program click here
Click here to register for my FREE 5 day Intuition Ignition Challenge, where you will learn how to connect with yourself on a deeper level, to tap into your innate wisdom so that you can live out your full potential and get the answers you are seeking in your life ✨
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