In this lesson, you will learn how to work with the concept of "one having" in Swahili. It is indicated by the suffix -enye. This possesive enye will change depending on the noun class you are working with. In today's lesson we use the A-Wa noun class.
The child that has a bowl is hungry- MTOTO Mwenye bakuli ana njaa.
The children that have bowls are hungry- WATOTO wenye bakula wana njaa.
Want to learn more? Simply download the LSN: Swahili for HOAMis from the app stores or follow me @learnswahilinow on instagram or tiktok
➡️ If you are seriously learning Swahili in a non-immersive setting, (that is you do not currently live in a country that the language is spoken) and you want to make progress, Having ACCOUNTABILITY is a must.
But how are you supposed to be consistent, when you
1. Do not know what to study
2. Do not have hours on end to study
3. Do not have a clue how to apply what you have learned
4. Do not have someone trustworthy to give you feedback
It is no wonder that most people end up just watching a few videos here and there memorize vocabulary on Duolingo and then get frustrated when they do not see progress😳
That’s why I’m so excited to open up membership to our Basics and Gold Access plan to my new followers 🥳
👉🏼Why am I so excited about this?
Because it helps take the hardest part out of learning a language in a non-immersive ideas- sourcing what to study, accountability and structure!
It’s the best way to have consistent, quick lessons to study and practice and thus see progress.
Joining our All access membership gets you:
✔️A comprehensive Swahili program that fills on all the gaps you may have a Swahili learner. I focus on the fundamentals which ground you and make progress go from impossible, to inevitable.
✔️Community Tab in the APP where you can ask questions and get my feedback and interact with other students
✔️Super cool App to access your content on the go.
⭐️Ps. Want to try my program commitment free? Try the free IGNITE YOUR SWAHILI CHALLENGE
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Ready to start your Swahili journey? Challenge yourself with the "Ignite your Swahili" 5-day introductory program below or download the LSN: Swahili for HOAMis from the app stores.