Do you feel constantly drained, anxious, or unappreciated in your relationship? Identifying a toxic partner can involve subtle behaviors that gradually erode your self-esteem and happiness. This video explores key indicators of a toxic partner, such as constant criticism, controlling behavior, and emotional manipulation. Learn how to evaluate communication, observe respect and support, assess emotional well-being, set boundaries, and seek external perspectives. Watch now to recognize the signs of a toxic partner and protect your mental and emotional health. The book I mention by Gavin De Becker - The Gift of Fear - Survival Signals That Protect us from Violence can be found here Love & Power ❤️ Angela Book your free conversation call here: DISCLAIMER: Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. There is no guarantee as there are many variables that will impact your success. Everything stated should be taken as opinion. #ToxicPartner #SignsOfToxicity #ToxicRelationship #NarcissisticPartner #RecognizeAbuse #DomesticViolence #EmotionalAbuse #RelationshipRedFlags #ControllingBehavior #ManipulativePartner #AbusiveRelationship #Gaslighting #CoerciveControl #IdentifyNarcissism #HealthyBoundaries