
  • The Evolution of Human Resources
    Jul 19 2022

    In this episode of Human Recursos host, Jacob Monty, is joined by guest host and HR expert, Jorge Chalit, to discuss the evolution of Human Resources. Jorge Chalit who after 30 years of HR experience, has dubbed himself “The HR Anarchist”, adds valuable insight to the spirited conversation. Listen as Jacob and Jorge discuss recruiting tips, the growth of unions, the #MeToo movement, the balance a HR professional must achieve between management's goals and employee advocacy, and the future of HR.

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    59 min
  • The Rise of Unions
    Apr 7 2022

    In this episode host, Jacob Monty, discusses the recent union victories and outlines what steps employers can take now to avoid a costly union in their future. This episode dissects both Amazon and Starbuck’s recent battles with union organizing campaigns. Host, Jacob Monty, uses his 30 years of knowledge in helping employers deal with employee unions to educates listeners on what signs employers should be on the lookout for and what steps employers should take now. An important episode for all employers in America.

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    25 min
  • Citizenship
    Jan 26 2022

    Welcome back to Human Recursos. In the first episode of 2022 host, Jacob Monty, is joined by guest host, Rachelle Bordabehere, to discuss Naturalization & Citizenship and the citizenship exam. Rachelle and Jacob discuss our firm's approach to the citizenship classes we offer and the exam. Hosts cover the exam’s format, difficult questions on the exam, and why employers should be educated on the citizenship exam and why it can play an important role in their employee's lives.

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    26 min
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of the Holiday Season
    Dec 2 2021

    In this special holiday episode host, Jacob Monty, discusses The Do’s and Don’ts of the Holiday Season. The holiday season is a great time to build company culture, reward employees, and boost employee morale, but the holiday season can also open the door to possible issues for employers. Host, Jacob Monty, educates listeners on the crucial do’s and don’ts of the holiday season for your diverse workforce.

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    25 min
  • Employee Retention Rate
    Oct 27 2021

    In this episode, host, Jacob Monty, discusses the troubling Employee Retention Rate during the Great Labor Shortage of 2020 - 2021. Why are so many employees leaving and what can employers do to be more effective, efficient, and attractive to employees? Monty answers theses vital questions that are on the forefront of all employers mind. An important episode for employers in America.

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    21 min
  • Vaccine Mandates
    Oct 6 2021

    Host, Jacob Monty, is joined by special guest host and labor & employment attorney, Nallely Rodriguez. Nallely and Jacob discuss an essential topic for current employers during the Great Labor Shortage of 2021: Mandating the COVID-19 Vaccine. Listen as they discuss the details associated with mandating the vaccine for employees, who’s exempt from the mandate, and how employers should handle mandating the COVID-19 vaccine to avoid legal pitfalls.

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    23 min
  • Hispanic Heritage Month
    Sep 22 2021

    In this episode of Human Recursos we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Hosts Jacob Monty and Laura Hernandez discuss the different experiences those in the Latino community face and also share their personal heritage stories. Hosts Laura and Jacob discuss current statistics of Hispanics - including both statistics where Hispanics are excelling and statistics where Hispanics need improving and how to improve those statistics.

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    31 min
  • COVID-19 Then & Now
    Sep 10 2021

    Host Jacob Monty is joined by special guest host, attorney, Nallely Rodriguez. Nallely and Jacob cover in great detail COVID-19 in 2020 and in 2021 and discuss what employers and HR professionals must do now to stay in compliance with COVID-19 mandates.

    Monty & Ramirez labor & employment attorney and guest host, Nallely Rodriguez, quickly became the point person of our firm’s COVID-19 compliance team as we helped navigate our clients through this pandemic in 2020 and has continued to do so in 2021. Nallely provides critical insight on employer’s responsibilities and the legal implications that may arise for employers during the pandemic.

    This episode is critical for employers seeking to keep their businesses compliant during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

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    33 min