
  • S3E4 - Talking Technology Strategy and Product Management (TSPM) with guests Alp and Pablo
    Oct 21 2022

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week hosts Mike and Rosa Maria are joined by Alp Erbug and Pablo Gomez, both first-year international MBA students in the technology space.  


    Pablo grew up in Mexico and came to the US for his undergraduate degree. He focused on finance before pivoting into analytics and technology during the pandemic. Alp was born in Turkey, and also came to the US for his undergrad to study engineering before moving into the tech space. Pablo and Alp were both involved with internships this summer through Tepper. 


    Pablo interned with Google, which was an amazing opportunity for him coming from a finance background. It was a fun company to work with, has a great collaborative atmosphere, and people from so many different backgrounds. Google has so many resources to familiarize yourself with the company and culture, and have groups specifically for international students to help them better navigate living and working in the US.


    Pablo worked for Amazon in Seattle as a product manager. He had a great experience with the company, and learned of the opportunity through Tepper-led events. Networking plays such a big role in finding opportunities that are not just great, but good fits for what you’re looking for in an internship. Product Managers are problem solvers that identify issues and make connections that keep everything running smoothing. 


    Both Alp and Pablo are on the Technology Strategy and Product Management (TSPM) track, which gives you access to classes in other schools. It gives you the opportunities to learn strategies from other fields of studies, and exposure to learn more than just in your one concentration. It also connects you to other students and graduates in the tech space.

    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background on Tepper students Alp and Pablo.
    2. The recruitment experience of Tepper’s summer internship programs.
    3. The Technology Strategy and Product Management (TSPM) track at Tepper. 


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    26 min
  • S3E3 - Entrepreneurship at Tepper
    Apr 21 2022

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week hosts Nikita and Ayush are joined by Chris and Chrissy, both first-year, full-time students at Tepper, to discuss entrepreneurship at Tepper.  


    Chrissy is from China and came to the US at 16. She triple-majored in Accounting, Marketing, and Information Systems in her undergrad University of Chicago at Urbana Champaign. After graduating, she worked in marketing for a Thai start-up company which started her thinking about entrepreneurship and business development. On the other hand, Chris grew up in the Detroit area of Michigan and has a background in corporate finance for the automotive industry. As he worked in various finance positions, he noticed how many of his higher-ups and mentors had MBAs, which ultimately led him to apply to Tepper.


    Tepper is very focused on innovations and analytical aspects, which was a huge draw for Chrissy, who works a lot in the ever-changing marketing landscape. Finding a school with solid entrepreneurship programs was also significant to Chris and Chrissy. Tepper strives to create a safe environment for entrepreneurs because it can be a very scary journey. 


    The Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship is the heart of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Tepper and is open to current students and alumni to pursue an entrepreneurial journey. It’s a great way to meet others with similar mindsets and goals from many different backgrounds. Additionally, 99 Tartans is an angel investment syndicate of Carnegie Mellon Alumni looking to invest in Carnegie Mellon-founded organizations. The group holds pitch meetings and works to connect start-ups and investors and bring them down the fundraising path.


    Many CMU start-ups are tech-based, and Chrissy’s start-up is in supplements. So at first, she was a little skeptical about how much Tepper could really do for her and her business. However, there’s so much to branding, strategy, and more that cross over in the business world, so having that network of knowledgeable people proved integral. In addition, there are so many programs available that provide a critical environment to entrepreneurs that help you succeed regardless of the industry you’re building in. 

    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background on Tepper students Chris and Chrissy and what brought them to study at Tepper. 
    2. Information about the Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship and 99 Tartans.
    3. What CMU can offer if you’re not in the technology field.
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    27 min
  • S3E2 - How Family Roles Influenced Tepper Decision
    Apr 14 2022

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week hosts Mike and Rosa Maria are joined by Yingqian Wang and Ben Kaufman to discuss family roles in their journey through an MBA at Tepper. Yingqian Wang is a member of the MBA Part-time Flex program, has a degree in Structural Engineering, and works full-time as a professional engineer. Ben is a first-year full-time MBA Student with an engineering background and was looking for a school with a STEM designation. 


    For Yingqian, the part-time program allowed her to develop professionally, connect with other people, and explore. Her husband graduated from Tepper, which gave her a lot of first-hand knowledge of the school. She also loved the flexibility of part-time study, virtual classes, and participation in clubs. In addition, access Weekend allows part-time students to get together and spend the weekend networking, taking classes, and more.


    Ben’s wife has been incredibly supportive of his schooling. He came in with many fears of disrupting the life they had built together. The hardest part for him is managing the recruiting aspect of his field, seeing as it lined up with the birth of his son. Everyone has been so accommodating when it comes to making time for life events. There are so many resources available to you that are incredibly helpful to support you through these life events.

    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background on Yingqian Wang and Ben Kaufman.
    2. What brought them to study at Tepper.
    3. The role family plays in their life at Tepper and how they navigate a work-life balance.
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    26 min
  • S3E1 - Kicking off the New Season at Tepper
    Apr 7 2022

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week hosts Nikita and Ayush speak with Robert and Farouk to discuss the interesting journeys that lead them to pursue MBAs at Tepper. 

    Robert was born into a military family and used sports as a way to make friends despite how much his family relocated. He studied finance and economics and played football in college. On the other hand, Farouk is an MD who originally planned to do his residency in urology. He came to the US to do his clinical research in cancer studies and realized how inefficient the healthcare system is. He started to research ways he could leverage his degree and experience outside of a clinical setting, which ultimately led him to an MBA to further his ability to move into consulting. 


    Tepper provided the support and knowledge base throughout the entire recruiting process that set the MBA program apart. There are so many different avenues within entrepreneurship, and that was a huge draw. The small class size allows for better networking and experience that improves the MBA experience. Healthcare is a big part of Farouk’s trajectory, and Pittsburgh has a considerable presence in the medical industry. 


    When you apply to an MBA program, attend all the events you can to get a feel of the school. Get an idea of how you feel about the school and the people there. You’ll spend years out of your life doing this, so you want to make sure you enjoy it. Recruiting was intense, but Tepper made the whole process very smooth. The number of resources was amazing, and clubs early on are a big component for knowing what to expect at Tepper. 

    What You Will Learn:

    1. Background on Robert and Farouk 
    2. What drew them to pursue an MBA at Tepper
    3. The advice they have for potential students
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    44 min
  • S2E13 - Transition Podcast: Meet Your New Hosts
    Mar 24 2022

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week, Kara and Ben pass the torch to this year's new hosts, Rosa Maria, Nikita, Mike, and Ayush, all full-time 2023 MBA students.

    Mike previously worked as a CPA and decided to pursue a business degree to pivot into a more strategy-based role. Rosa Maria is an international student who worked in financial services and came to Tepper to explore options and industries outside Peru. Ayush is also international, born in India, and is looking to move into the tech industry. Lastly, from Dubai, Nikita has experience in the tech industry and plans to use an MBA to move into more of a product role within the tech space. 


    Analytics and leadership focus at Tepper is what brought Mike to Tepper. He's a Pittsburgh native and is looking forward to spending some time as an adult in his home city. The small size of Tepper's class and recommendations from current and past students was a big selling point for many. The city itself has been a huge draw as well. Nikita was blown away by the experience of all four seasons, and the friendliness of the people who live there is amazing.


    Another huge draw for Tepper is the amazing clubs available to MBA students. Ayush is a member of GFA, South Asain Business Association, and Business and Technology Club. Nikita is involved in the Business and Technology Club and Tepper Woman in Business. Mike and Rosa Maria agree with Kara and Ben that the Marketing Club is the best club to join. There are so many different clubs at Tepper, ranging from professional and social, to get out and meet like-minded people. 


    Take your time and talk to everyone you can. Recruiting happens fast, so research what you can, take a step back, and take your time. People have such interesting backgrounds and experiences, so put yourself out there and meet as many people as possible. Lastly, talk to the first-year student in the industries you're interested in because that's a great way to get a feel for what it'd be like to study.


    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background on your new hosts.
    2. Why they decided to study and Tepper.
    3. The various clubs and activities they're involved in.
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    31 min
  • S2E12 - Propelling Women at Tepper ft. MBA Alum
    Mar 24 2022

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week, Amy Lasoda, Associate Director at Tepper, joins Humans of Tepper host Kara Budgy and several other Tepper women to discuss their experiences with earning an MBA at Tepper. This is the second session of the “Propelling Woman at Tepper” series, which highlights the experiences of women MBAs and showcases the distinct benefits of the Tepper MBA. In addition, you will hear the experiences from alumni to help you understand the opportunities. 


    Many people pursue an MBA as a way to switch their career. It’s a good trigger to propel you into something different, and so many MBA students come in with different backgrounds and undergrads, including advertising and even dance. For others, they come to Tepper looking for a career starter, having the background experience to leverage toward business. An MBA is also a great way to round out your education, and gain exposure that will help you in your later career. 


    The community of students and faculty is what stands out at Tepper. You spend so much time with them, so look at the clubs and activities your peers are involved in. There are such great resources for women to make sure they’re going in the right direction. The staff isn’t focused on what potential students can do for them, but what they can do for you. The overall sense of community goes beyond just the day-to-day, and the small, close-knit community is where many are able to thrive better. Community building is also very important at Tepper. 


    Many students use what they learned and experienced at Tepper to run their businesses successfully after graduation. Those case studies and books they take with them are so important to do that. Others refer to the collaboration aspects with diversified backgrounds that helped to bring everything together outside of Tepper. 


    Tepper also has many fellowships that offer students many core benefits to assist them in all kinds of ways. This includes helping students find internships sooner to build those relationships sooner. They are also a great avenue for seeking scholarship funding. Returning to school can seem like a huge ordeal, but there’s so many things you can do to bring you balance while going back full-time. Make time to take care of yourself, and give yourself space to learn.

    What You Will Learn:

    1. What drove this group of women to pursue an MBA 
    2. What stuck out about Tepper vs. other programs
    3. What students take away from their time at Tepper
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    1 h et 1 min
  • S2E11 - Consulting and the Business Analytics Track w/ Liz Hay
    Dec 16 2021

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week, Liz Hay joins hosts Ben and Kara to discuss the Business Analytics Track at Tepper. Liz is from Houston, Texas, and went to Washington St. Louis. After graduation, she decided to head to New York, where she worked for a financial research firm before moving to asset management. Along the way, she realized what she was most passionate about was the projects that improved her company and client experiences. That's what ultimately led her to Tepper and pivot her career to consulting. 


    Liz was attracted to Tepper because it offered a program heavily focused on analytics and the state-of-the-art technologies becoming more and more prevalent in business. Secondly, everyone at Tepper was incredibly welcoming, and for Liz, it was a big deciding factor. The school's Business Analytics track focuses on operations, finance, and marketing and how data plays into the changes that take place on multiple business levels, such as supply chains and trading. Its main goal is to prepare students for these emerging technologies and set up its students for future success. 


    All track courses are within Tepper School of Business, but there are opportunities to petition for outside classes to count toward the track. Liz also plans to participate in Capstone this spring, which is under a lot of secrecy for the time being. However, past projects have involved businesses within the Pittsburgh area and are ops, finance, or marketing focused. As Capstone gets closer, students get the opportunity to review proposals and decide which area of focus works best with their career path. 


    Liz is also heavily involved in the Consulting Club, which builds a community of students and faculty interested in consulting and helping them along their path to a successful career. It provides mentorship, interaction, and opportunities to help others grow. Liz encourages incoming and prospective students to challenge themselves. Don't be afraid to take a leap of faith and reach for the opportunities you want. Studying at Tepper is a chance to own your career and take on a challenge you've always wanted to take. At times, you might fail, but it's a very rewarding process, and success is within your grasp. 


    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background on Liz and what brought her to study at Tepper.
    2. Inside information on the Business Analytics Track.
    3. Liz's advice for current and incoming students.
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    19 min
  • S2E10 - Management, Innovation and Product Development at Tepper w/ Dani Grodsky
    Dec 2 2021

    Welcome back to the Humans of Tepper Podcast. This week, second-year, full-time MBA student, Dani Grodsky, joins hosts Ben and Kara to discuss the Management of Innovation and Product Development Track. Dani is from New York and attended Brown University, where she studied cognitive neuroscience. She later transferred to CMU to focus on technology for her master's degree in the hope of becoming a decision-maker in the tech field. She chose CMU because melding technology and business is something they do very well in their programs. 


    Dani is pursuing a dual degree, which you're able to apply for in your first semester at Tepper. Dani healthcare is her passion area despite never studying it formally. She wanted to get a more formal education and have the flexibility in her schedule to do that while pursuing an MBA. CMU allows you to pursue your passions. 


    The Management of Innovation and Product Development Track, or MIPD for short, falls a little in between Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurs. Dani likes to think of it as an "intrepreneure" track because it's a lot like being an entrepreneur, only in an already established company focusing on innovation. Taking a track to say you did isn't necessary, but if it aligns with what you want to pursue, it's a great way to fit in different courses while staying in the direction you want to go in. Capstone was a big motivator for Dani when she chose her track. She's planning on taking Corporate Startup Lab. It creates student teams from across the school and partners them with an organization outside the school.  


    Dani urges incoming students to take full advantage of the university as much as possible. It can be easy to stick to Tepper and your peers there, but there's a lot of value across the entire school. Tepper also removed the cap on how many classes you can take outside of Tepper, and Dani strongly encourages students coming in to take at least one course outside Tepper. In terms of tracks, it's essential to look at what naturally fulfills your interest, and if it doesn't, it's okay not to declare a track. 

    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background on Dani Grodsky and what brought her to study at Tepper.
    2. About the Management of Innovation and Product Development Track at CMU.
    3. Dani's advice to incoming and potential students. 
    Voir plus Voir moins
    22 min