
  • The Middle Of The Mountain
    Nov 1 2023
    We always hear about the valley, and we often hear about reaching the top of the mountain… but what about the middle of the mountain? It can be lonely, frustrating, and make you question yourself. In this episode we will talk about it and a few things to do while you’re there.
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    12 min
  • Questions in the mirror
    Jul 13 2023
    This episode starts off by asking you a few important questions about what you see in you and in life. It’s worth a listen, and you’re worth it too!
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    10 min
  • You’re not a lamp!
    Apr 26 2023
    Join me this episode, as I read part of chapter 1 of my new book spilling the tea. Then I touch on not being a lamp, and allowing people to move you into places of the past. It’s a great message! You are not a lamp!!
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    17 min
  • Attracting a lesson instead of a rose.
    Mar 30 2023
    Do you ever wonder why or how you attracted a situation in your life? Maybe you think you’re in the wrong place or situation. Many times these very places and situations are the secret garden, they just don’t feel like it. In the beginning of my evolving and growing I looked at growing pains as punishment or an indicator that my energy or frequency was off. Now, I look at it as a place to learn when I am in an assignment. Many times we deem something that’s not sugarcoated and blissful as punishment when it’s actually a complement to our growth. Are you willing to grow?
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    13 min
  • Introducing SPILLING THE TEA!
    Feb 11 2023
    A fun interview with the fabulous Clint Powell from During The Break Podcast! Come take a listen as we talk about everything from creaking bones as we age to the deeper topics like past baggage. I talk about the releasing of my newest book SPILLING THE TEA! You are guaranteed to get a laugh out of this one!
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    53 min
  • Prayers
    Dec 18 2022
    Have you ever felt like your prayers were being ignored? Or if something you prayed for would happen your life would be so much better? God WANTS to give you so much! But there’s something we should do…. This podcast episode talks about it. Tune in!
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    8 min
  • Soothing words
    Sep 20 2022
    Sometimes you just want to here some uplifting words. Not a lecture, not a message, just words of love. In this recording you’ll find uplifting reminders about life. I hope you enjoy it and repeat it daily.
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    5 min
  • Mind and body.
    Jul 23 2022
    The mind and body have such an interesting connection. When you decide to take charge of your life and live your best life, your body tends to rebel. Do you want to know why? I break it down in a way that I hope brings you some understanding. Whatever you do… keep at it! Keep healing! Keep evolving!
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    8 min