Rushing, Mumbling, Getting it over with quickly! Another common behaviour that many of us exhibit when public speaking. So what's the deal? A big factor here is that its very often completely subconscious. We're used to our own voices and naturally we've developed our own habits over a lifetime of making sounds with them. That makes both spotting and fixing these issues on our own very difficult! Perhaps people have even outright asked you to slow down? This week Charlotte and Luke discuss their methods for practically dealing with the problem, since in this case simply fighting your own subconscious isn't the easiest of options. Who's got the headspace to think of their next line and remember to actively manage the speed of their delivery the whole time? As always we hear insight into their own personal experiences, anecdotes, first hand experience and even get some live cattle auction practice along the way! So for at least the next 41 minutes and 28 seconds, take a beat and listen in to Speaker S.O.S!