I.E.L. Podcast Episode 206
Hosted by: Dr. I. D. III for Isaiah Drone III
Nina Taylor| Jerry Green |Patricia Seidler| Buddy Thornton | Dr. Eric Davis
Among adults aged 18 or older in 2023, 22.8% (or 58.7 million people) had any mental illness (AMI) in the past year. 4.5 million youth (ages 12 to 17) had a major depressive episode in the past year, of which nearly 1 in 5 also had a substance use disorder.
Buddy Thornton: What are some ways you can identify goals for achieving mental wellness? Also, tell us to specify what you can do to reach those goals.
Jerry Green: Why are children from low socioeconomically disadvantaged communities lacking in positive role models unlike in the past?
Patricia Seidler: What are the myths and realities about perception and miscommunication relating to expressing the importance of student and teacher mental health in schools?
Nina Taylor: How can public school leaders meet teachers where they are instead of giving expectations far from their reach?
Dr. Isaiah Drone III Closing Remarks