Trump and Netanyahu are working hard to solve the problems of Hamas in Gaza, and so we need to pray for wisdom and protection, and that God’s will is done. So many in the world have fallen for the lies about Israel as “occupiers” of the Palestinians’ land, and as we have been discussing, these narratives are demonstrably not true. Only people who do not know history are deceived by them, because History plainly reveals that Israel is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. It is even more distressing when Christians reject the clear teaching of the Bible that God placed Israel back in their land, just as prophesied, according to His promises to them. They have a future, and a Hope, as we are so fond of quoting from Jer 29:11, and claim these promises for ourselves. Right now, Trump has proposed RELOCATING the Gazans while it is rebuilt, and given the opportunity to remain in the host countries or return after it is finished. But many in the international community STRONGLY OPPOSE this move. They claim that the GAZANS have a right to stay, and that ISRAEL is the OPPRESSORS, and has unjustly OCCUPIED PALESTINE and made GAZA an open air prison for the past 75 years… Well, in a way that is true. Gaza IS an open air prison, but ONLY because of UN and INTERNATIONAL POLICIES. Under the UN, through bad actors and pressure from Israel’s enemies, the Gazan people have been forbidden to relocate ever since the end of the Israeli war in 1949, which established the State of Israel. At that time, the UN founded UNRWA, which is The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. Under UNRWA, the Gazans (an all Palestinians) remain the only people on the planet designated as permanent refugees by the UN. This is to keep the political farce alive as a wedge of international outrage and constant sanctions against Israel from the various UN counsels, which are corrupt. Gaza is kept an open wound that the world will not let heal because the Arab nations have a great deal of power, not only as the largest holders of oil, but as allegiance to Islam. Even the non-Arab Iranian Shia Muslims team up with their enemies, the Sunni to control international politics toward Israel, which we will explain today. Most people don’t know that Gaza has been isolated from the world to perpetuate the lie that Israel is a colonizer. But from the beginning, the Jewish people were the only ones prevented from returning to their ancient homeland at the end of WW 1 after the allied powers mandated Britain to do so. Notice that all other people have not only the RIGHT to relocate in war, but the international community is OBLIGATED to facilitate that… But not only does the UN and Arab world decry relocating them, but they won’t let them out at all, and NO ONE will TAKE them! You simply need to know history to understand that these are lies… In spite of claims that this war is a GENOCIDE against the Gazans, there are actually MORE Gazans now than BEFORE the Oct 7th attack. There are STILL LESS JEWS NOW than BEFORE the Holocaust—90 years later in spite of having their own homeland back. And so today we will continue our discussion of the HISTORICAL BACKGROUND that led to ISRAEL gaining back their ANCIENT HOMELAND, just as the Bible Prophesied. As we discussed last time, the Land of Israel had been renamed the Latin word PALESTINE after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD and most of the Jews were killed, or taken into exile. After that time, for 1800 years, the land was fought over by empires, changing hands from the Romans, to the Muslims in the late 600’s, to the crusaders, back to the Muslims. Yet even a THOUSAND YEARS after Islam first conquered Jerusalem, even Mark Twain remarked on the desolation in 1867, after visiting what has ALWAYS BEEN CALLED the HOLY LAND. Mark Twain described his observations when he traveled to the HOLY LAND as a stark and desolate place in 1867. If PALESTINE was the ancient homeland of the PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, why were they not there, THRIVING with population, commerce, and political life, less than 100 years before the people of Israel returned to their land? Here are some excerpts from his 1869 book, Innocents Abroad, remarking on the vacant, wasteland of “Palestine” at that time noting all the traditional Bible names of the places he visited. After WW1 and the Islamic Ottoman Empire dissolved, Brittan was Mandated to help form new national lines and sovereign nations for the people in the Middle East that had been under the Ottoman Empire. And according to Brittan's 1917 pledge in the Balfour Declaration, they were mandated to allot "a national homeland for the Jewish people," in their ancient homeland now referred to as Palestine. But they broke that promise, and it wasn't until AFTER WW 2 and the horrific Holocaust that the World FINALLY permitted the Jews to return and form a national homeland in ...