Cockney plays by his own rules and he works alone. But, this rogue, may have to count on those around him if he's going to bring the mob boss Terry the Tiefling to justice.
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Adventure Setup:
- Dungeon Master (DM): Casey
- Player: Michael, playing Cockney, a no-nonsense fighter and member of the elite tactical unit, Owlteam 6. Cockney is on a mission to bring down Terry the Tiefling, a mobster and leader in the ongoing Blood War.
Story Summary:
Setting: A massive fortress run by Terry the Tiefling, filled with guards, traps, and secrets.
- Cockney is sent on a solo mission to infiltrate the building, take out Terry, and eliminate his top lieutenants. His team, Owlteam 6, is on standby, ready to assist when he gives the signal.
- Challenge: Cockney must navigate the building alone, avoiding deadly traps, and making it to Terry’s office to disable his magical communication blocker, all while staying alive.
Key Scenes:
Initial Infiltration:
- [00:03:41] - Cockney is sent in alone, tasked with getting the signal to his team. He immediately dives through a window into a firefight with crossbow-wielding guards. A smoke bomb and stealth tactics give him the upper hand.
- [00:06:48] - After taking out a sniper with a brutal headshot, Cockney uses a human shield to fend off other guards, showing off his tactical prowess.
Taking the Staircase:
- [00:11:04] - Cockney uses his disguise skills to slip through a group of guards, pretending to secure the staircase. After getting out of earshot, he communicates with his commander, Sarge, but their radios are cut off due to Terry's magical interference.
The Vent Strategy:
- [00:16:48] - After dodging crossbow fire, Cockney slips into a vent to avoid detection. His new goal is to find the source of the radio interference. He cleverly avoids enemies while moving through the vents but is attacked mid-way through and has to make a daring escape.
Loch Ness Encounter:
- [00:31:42] - After falling into the basement, Cockney meets Loch Ness, a twisted figure who burns bodies in the furnace. Loch Ness reveals critical information about the magical device Terry uses to block all communication and gifts Cockney a powerful Cloak of Shadows, which allows for teleportation.
Return to the Rooftop:
- [00:46:51] - After learning that Sarge has been killed by a sniper, Cockney uses the Cloak of Shadows to teleport to the rooftop where his team, Owlteam 6, awaits. Together, they take out the remaining snipers and storm the building.
- [00:50:47] - Cockney and his team break through Terry’s office window in an epic showdown. Cockney takes on Terry while the rest of the team battles his lieutenants. After an intense fight, Cockney throws Terry through the glass, sending him plummeting to his death.
- Resolution: With Terry defeated and the radio interference disabled, Cockney delivers Terry’s body to Loch Ness, fulfilling his grim promise. Owlteam 6 regroups, ready for their next mission.
- Emotional Resolution: Cockney, now the leader of Owlteam 6, reflects on the loss of his teammate Merida and the betrayal of Terry. He’s determined to keep leading his team and honor the fallen.
Stay tuned for more epic and improvised adventures in the City of Town!