
  • Activity 21.0: Higer Realms 3D to 7D
    Sep 28 2020
    There is no doubt that other dimensions or realms exist in this Universe. You may have seen them yourself through your dreams or through astral travel. You may have felt the experience of deja vu, or simply felt through a meditation that there is so much more to what we can comprehend. Just like we have different dimensions in this Universe, we also have different dimensional states of consciousness. These dimensions available to us on Earth are referred to as  3D, 4D and 5D. These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three - we explore what this means to us. The time has come for us to part and for me to bid you adieu - I am sure I’ll meet you once agin in the higher plains. In the meantime may I sign post you to further areas of research. Your higher self will guide you on your next pathway. Links and work you may find of interest are: Thomas Williams Podcasts in Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/user/8955881 and his Truth Honor and Integrity shows in YouTube. His website is https://thinkdifferent.thepeoplesclub.org/ The Must Listen Series is worth looking at. Dr Carrie Madej and Human 2.0 https://youtu.be/ywuCRVJVDqs - the research links are worthy of study. The Speak project is also worth investigating https://projectspeak.net/ - the role of Kim Goguen is imperative to understand for the future of humanity… Lastly the role of Dr Jacqueline Hobbs aka Oracle Girl https://www.oraclegirl.org/ http://jimbennett.global/ https://www.spreaker.com/user/jimbennettglobal
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    29 min
  • Activity 20.0 : The 21 Day Transformation Plan and Program for Developing Unconditional Self-love and Self-worth
    Sep 21 2020
    One of the single most important Spiritual qualities to develop in life is unconditional self-love and self-worth! This plan is dedicated to simply and easily explaining this process and sharing with you a very practical program to achieving this and/or increasing your present unconditional self-love and self-worth to the highest and most Spiritual/Christ/Buddha level you can achieve! It is actually a very simple process to achieve this once you understand it, how-ever it is one of those things that is sometimes like not being able to see the “forest for the trees”! The key to developing unconditional self-love and self-worth is that you must own your 100% personal power, unconditional love and wisdom in life at all times! This, of course, is your own personal Three-Fold Flame! You can’t achieve true lasting unconditional self-love and self-worth if you don’t fully 100% claim your personal power and self-mastery at all times! If you don’t own it, then you give it away to other people and/or your own subconscious mind, negative ego, and emotional body, which will “run you into the ground.” This is not because they are inherently bad; it is just because they have no reasoning. They were never created to cause and create your life. You were! You cannot do this if you do not fully 100% claim your personal power, self-mastery and be the captain of your ship! You cause your own reality by how you think. To remain the cause and creator of your reality you must remain in your personal power and Spiritual vigilance at all times, in regard to keeping out negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking and feeling and always maintaining Spiritual/Christ/Buddha thinking!
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    25 min
  • Activity 19.2: Processing Life Properly on a Spiritual and Psychological Level - Part 2
    Sep 13 2020
    Processing Life Properly on a Spiritual and Psychological Level We continue with part two. Processing is a certain type of thinking. There are different types of thinking that people do. There is a type of thinking that comes from the subconscious mind, types that come from the conscious mind, and types that come from the super-conscious mind. We introduce the concept of Human 2.0 and the challenges that presents to humanity as explained by Dr. Carrie Madei. https://youtu.be/ywuCRVJVDqs
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    21 min
  • Activity 19.1: Processing Life Properly on a Spiritual and Psychological Level - Part 1
    Sep 7 2020
    Processing Life Properly on a Spiritual and Psychological Level Processing is a certain type of thinking. There are different types of thinking that people do. There is a type of thinking that comes from the subconscious mind, types that come from the conscious mind, and types that come from the superconscious mind. Processing is a specific type of thinking that stems from the conscious mind that is for the purpose of Spiritually and Psychologically work on oneself to achieve clarity on any given subject. It is very important to learn to process life effectively, otherwise the mind and emotions will be constantly running and on a roller coaster. What is the natural state of one’s consciousness in the ideal?
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    28 min
  • Activity 18.2: Actualising our Light Bodies 13 to 22
    Aug 31 2020
    We continue our exploration of anchoring, activating and actualising our 22 Light Bodies and explore Light Bodies 13 to 22: 13. Higher Adam Kadmon Body 14. Overself Body 15. Zohar Body of Light 16. Anointed Christ Overself Body 17. Galactic Son Overself Body 18. Body of Brotherhood of Light 19. Paradise Son’s Body 20. Elohistic Lord’s Body 21. Lord’s Mystical Body 22. The Sonship Star Light Body
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    41 min
  • Activity 18.1: Anchoring, Activating, and Actualising our 22 Light Bodies
    Aug 24 2020
    This is an overview and description of the 22 Light Bodies of Source The key is to 1) study the descriptions below as to bring their existence and key function into your consciousness, and 2) to call forth the anchoring, activation, and actualization of each of the 22 Light Bodies, and then 3) to integrate each higher body into your four body system in an integrated and balanced manner. Your consciousness will expand just reading this list! The next step, however, is setting up a systematic plan to anchor, activate, actualize, and realize each of the 22 Light Bodies as part of realizing your 22 Levels of Initiation and achieving Full Planetary Christ Realization. We discus the first 12 bodies: 1. Physical/Etheric Body 2. Emotional/Astral Body 3. Mental Body 4. Causal Body 5. Atmic Body 6. Monadic Body 7. Logoic Body 8. Monadic Blueprint Body 9. Mayavarupa Body 10. Electromagnetic Body 11. Epi-Kenetic Body and Eka Body
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    41 min
  • Activity 17.3: Balancing and Integrating our 52 Sub-quotients - # 38 -52
    Aug 17 2020
    We continue our Quest to get a better understanding of our 52 Sub-quotients as follows: 38.Spiritual Communion Quotient 39.Seeing Source in Everything and Everyone Quotient: “The Holy Encounter” 40.Higher Body Anchoring Quotients 41.Soul Extension Integration and Clearing 42.Antakarana Development Quotient 43.Seven Ray Integration Quotient 44.Hierarchy Integration Quotient 45.Pursuit of Excellence Quotient 46.Courtesy & Neighbourly Quotient 47.Being vs. Doing Quotient 48.Social Integration Quotient 49.Time for Self Quotient 50.Earthly Family Responsibility Quotient 51.Educational Development Quotient 52.Romantic Relationship Quotient Then we discuss 'Togetherness" - Humans are beautiful in togetherness. Their honesty and openness is unimpeachable. When we meet, something happens....
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    39 min
  • Activity 17.2: Balancing and Integrating Sub-quotients # 24 - 37
    Aug 17 2020
    Today we explore The Psychological and Spiritual Quotients: 24.Meditation Quotient 25.Prayer Quotient 26.Ascension Activation Quotient 27.Chanting the Name of GOD Quotient 28.Silence Quotient 29.Devotion to Source Quotient 30.Love & Service of Humanity Quotient 31.Constant Source Attunement Quotient 32.Spiritual Affirmation Quotient 33.Spiritual Visualization Quotient 34.Spiritual Book Reading Quotient 35.Spiritual Journal Writing 36.Spiritual Leadership Quotient 37.Spiritual Interaction and Fellowship Quotient
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    42 min