
  • Ep. 1 - Welcome To My Podcast
    Sep 2 2021

    Thank you for joining me in this episode. 

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    18 min
  • Ep. 21 - Rabbit Holes --
    Aug 4 2021

    Come Join me on this episode of Idiomz we take a shallow dive in the structure of belief and where information originated. Or don't I don't really care.

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    1 h et 12 min
  • Ep.20
    May 18 2021
    Are police held accountable in the year 2021? Why does it seem everywhere you look there is another injustice to a poor young black man in America. We have to do something with this travesty to POC!!!!
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    39 min
  • Ep.19 critical race theory
    May 14 2021
    If I were you I definitely would skip this episode, but as in fashion I am posting it because Idiomz is also my journey on how to become not only a podcaster but someone who knows their shit. And it’s a process of learning how to give the best delivery not only for my audience but also for me. I am learning what works and I made a script and I feel like it turned out horrible.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • Ep. 18- White fragility
    May 13 2021
    In this episode we discuss the awkwardness of speaking alone into a microphone with no human interaction and how it impacts white culture and ultimately leads to white fragility . The impacts of the mind of white people speaking to themselves….. is it a recipe for disaster, we will never know.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Ep. 9 Kamala Harris Visits Wrong Border
    May 11 2021
    Kamala Harris visits N.H. and the host of Idiomz gives her the bird as she drove down interstate 93 on her way to Plymouth. As well as some more kids being shot, and racial agendas. Down Anglo Saxon
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    22 min
  • EP. 16 - who are the experts
    May 10 2021
    Who are the experts that we are expected to listen to? Who is educated and who doesn’t have a bias? We ask and attempt to answer these questions on this episode and much more
    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • EP. 17 - Police across america leave in droves
    May 9 2021
    Are the police leaving in alarming numbers due to the chaos during the past year with protests and police shootings and civil unrest? Or is it just propaganda looking to instill fear and perhaps pave a way to new policing? We discuss that and much more in this episode of idiomz.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min