Laws of Nature as Evidence We live in a universe made up entirely of moving particles of matter, from electrons’ rotation to galaxies’ motion. We are not surprised when we see living things moving and moving, but we would be surprised if we suddenly saw inanimate objects starting to carry on their own. If the table in our living room were suddenly hovering in the air, or ping pong balls were beginning to surround each other in circles, we would look for an explanation. But in our universe, matter is constantly moving. Not only do inanimate objects move, but they also do so according to a fixed and precise regularity represented in the equations of physics. This phenomenon begs the question: how can inanimate objects move, and how is it possible that they all move precisely according to the same rules? If asked, most people will simply answer that the laws of nature drive matter in the universe. For example, apples fall from the tree because of the force of gravity. But thi