The Conclusion Holy Land Man has demonstrated to you, using seven different scientific methods of evidence, the existence of GOD. Holy Land Man has proven the existence of a very intelligent designer of life and of probably this universe. At this stage and for the purpose of this research of "Is There a GOD?" Holy Land Man has not made any further conclusions (and you should therefore not intuitively assume) that: That GOD belongs to any religion. HOLY LAND MAN concluded that GOD is "merely" the one responsible for our existence. HOLY LAND MAN has not aimed to prove here that the Bible is true or that any religion is right.The fact that HOLY LAND MAN's conclusion is that there is a GOD, responsible for our creation, doesn't mean that He/She/It is still responsible for our existence.Concluding that there is a GOD doesn't conclude that GOD is anything that any religion tells usEven if there is a GOD, there is no reason to become religious because HOLY LAN