Hey CEO-
Popping in with a quick BONUS episode cuz I don’t want you to miss that FRUITFULNESS you’re praying for this year…
In fact, I don’t think God wants you to miss it either, cuz it’s all over the place…
Did you know farmers, seeds, planting, growth, harvest #250x in bible…
And we need only to look around at nature to see how He created things to grow and produce fruit.
Ya think God has something to say about our GROWTH + FRUITFULNESS…in faith, in life, in biz?
That’s why when you grab a spot for the IT’S TIME CHALLENGE happening Feb 4-7, you’re gonna get some lessons in SOWING + REAPING and how they relate to abundant fruitfulness in your biz
Grab your spot ASAP at redeemhertime.com/time
and then join us over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where we’ll be planting seeds in real time to start the growth process. redeemhertime.com/community
Can’t wait to see YOU at the IT’S TIME CHALLENGE Feb 4-7
P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz https://redeemhertime.com/planner