Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: A New Year Mystery: Finding Lihua's Lost Cousin Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-01-23-23-34-02-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 漓江旁,桂林的冬季,充满了新年的喜庆。En: Beside the Li River in the winter of Guilin, the air was filled with the joy of the New Year.Zh: 彩灯悬挂在每个角落,空中飘着的灯笼,像流星一般美丽。En: Colorful lights were hung in every corner, and lanterns floating in the sky were as beautiful as shooting stars.Zh: 空气中弥漫着热腾腾的食物香气,人们的脸上洋溢着节日的欢笑。En: The aroma of steaming hot food wafted through the air, and the faces of the people were brimming with festive laughter.Zh: 在这样一个热闹的夜晚,莉花却面露担忧。En: On such a lively night, Lihua appeared worried.Zh: 她的表弟在舞龙表演中神秘消失了。En: Her cousin had mysteriously disappeared during the dragon dance performance.Zh: 莉花是个好奇心强的女孩,有着敏锐的观察力。她的朋友胜利,从小认识的伙伴,却习惯用逻辑思考问题。En: Lihua, a curious girl with a keen sense of observation, was joined by her friend Shengli, a childhood companion who was used to solving problems with logic.Zh: "也许就是观众太多了,他迷路了。"胜利一边说,一边不相信会有超自然现象。En: "Maybe there were just too many people, and he got lost," Shengli said, not inclined to believe in supernatural occurrences.Zh: "可我有种感觉,他在呼唤我。"莉花坚持。En: "But I have a feeling he's calling for me," Lihua insisted.Zh: 表弟最后出现的地方,是舞龙附近。En: The last place her cousin was seen was near the dragon dance.Zh: 莉花决定去那里找寻线索,而胜利则试图从其他观众那里获得目击证人的说法。En: Lihua decided to search for clues there, while Shengli tried to gather eyewitness accounts from other spectators.Zh: 舞龙的锣鼓声震天动地,人们的欢呼声此起彼伏。En: The sound of drums and gongs from the dragon dance was earth-shaking, and the cheers of the crowd rose and fell like waves.Zh: 莉花在表演区附近,冷静地寻找任何有用的信息。En: Lihua calmly searched for any useful information near the performance area.Zh: 终于,她注意到一个人迹罕至的小径,幽静而神秘,似乎通往古老的神龛。En: Finally, she noticed a seldom-trodden path, quiet and mysterious, seemingly leading to an ancient shrine.Zh: 与此同时,胜利与一位目击者交谈。En: Meanwhile, Shengli was talking to an eyewitness.Zh: 目击者回忆起看到一个孩子追逐着龙舞的尾巴。En: The eyewitness recalled seeing a child chasing the tail of the dragon dance.Zh: 他们如拼图般,将这些信息结合在一起。En: They pieced this information together like a puzzle.Zh: 他们一起沿着那条小径,抵达了神龛,找到莉花的表弟。En: Together, they followed the path to the shrine and found Lihua's cousin.Zh: 他被栩栩如生的巨龙吸引,一路追了过来。En: He had been captivated by the lifelike giant dragon and had followed it there.Zh: 最后,莉花的表弟安全返回。En: In the end, Lihua's cousin returned safely.Zh: 莉花学会珍惜胜利的逻辑思考,而胜利也开始欣赏莉花的直觉和对传统的珍视。En: Lihua learned to appreciate Shengli's logical thinking, and Shengli began to value Lihua's intuition and her appreciation for tradition.Zh: 漓江的水缓缓流淌,仿佛述说着他们的故事。En: The waters of the Li River flowed gently, as if narrating their story.Zh: 在新年的欢乐中,友情更显珍贵。En: Amid the New Year celebrations, friendship became even more precious.Zh: 这个夜晚,不仅仅是一个谜团的破解,更是心灵的成长。En: This evening was not just about solving a mystery, but also about the growth of their hearts. Vocabulary Words:joy: 喜庆aroma: 香气wafted: 弥漫brimming: 洋溢cousin: 表弟mysteriously: 神秘disappeared: 消失keen: 敏锐inclined: 倾向supernatural: 超自然eyewitness: 目击者accounts: 说法earth-shaking: 震天动地seldom-trodden: 人迹罕至mysterious: 神秘shrine: 神龛treasured: 珍视lifelike: 栩栩如生narrating: 述说companions: 伙伴celebrations: 庆祝float: 飘observation: 观察logic: 逻辑cheers: 欢呼captivated: 吸引intuition: 直觉appreciate: 珍惜narrating: 述说contemplate: 思考