A moment with Jenniffer, at the The Undervalued Podcast Kingdom. Jenniffer, is a young latina woman of Dominican descent from NYC who grew up around traditional thinking which almost shaped her way of living and who she should be (identity). As a Dominican woman particularly, she was expected to have the career, husband, kids, house etc. to justify her womanhood and loyalty towards the culture. However, she is different, she sees beyond and she is not settling for other points of views that doesn’t align with her soul. Her discipline has lead her to inner-success and clarity. At one point she says, “many people fall into this prototype about what they should be.” Speaks volume and we agreed that not being aware of this belief can cause confusion and anger. To learn more of her life find her on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jennportoe/ . let's connect on the next moment. STAY ELEVATED!