
  • Golden Oldies
    Jun 23 2021
    Imaginary Friends is celebrating the release of their 50th episode (not including specials), and decided to bring back their original segments for the occasion. That means you get a D&D update, our favourite things, some words of wisdom and a positive spin. Listen and celebrate as we spin some golden oldies.
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  • What the #$@&%*!
    Jun 2 2021
    Swearing has become a big part of language and can be used for aggression, frustration or fun. This why Erin and Bree give their perspectives on foul language in this week’s episode. Please note, there are a number of words used in this episode that some might find offensive, so listener discretion is advised.
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  • Stranded on a Desert Island
    May 19 2021
    This week Erin and Bree are joined by Josie Kaip to play a little game of Desert Island. This is a fun, get-to-know-you, game where each person must pick only 5 of each of the following categories to bring to the deserted island: movie, tv series, album, game and book.
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  • The Last Unicorn
    May 5 2021
    The 80’s had some amazing (non-Disney) animated films, but none are as beautiful as The Last Unicorn. With the HD remastered version on Amazon Prime, Erin and Bree decide to see if it still holds up. And it does… for the most part. Listen as they chat about the things they love about the movie […]
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  • Interview: Bad Rolls, Worse Decisions
    Apr 21 2021
    Erin has decided to mysteriously disappear for this week’s podcast, but more mysterious is Bree finding a magic orb from another world. And, that glowing orb allows her to chat with Dovie, Nimue, Argrath and Samonari – an adventuring party from the world of Dungeons & Dragons! What’s not mysterious is that this is totally […]
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  • A Different Toy Story
    Mar 24 2021
    The 1980s was an amazing time for cartoons and, of course, their toy tie-ins. We coveted our My Little Ponies, G.I. Joes and Barbies. It was also the age of family board games and super unsafe physical toys such as the Skip-it and Pogo Ball. We were all Toys R Us kids. Flash forward 40 […]
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  • Out of the Kitchen
    Mar 10 2021
    This week Erin and Bree invited their friend and fellow D&D player, Amanda Lucas to join them for a chat. Join in as they hear about Amanda’s turbulent career in cooking and what she’s doing now. And of course, they had to talk a little Dungeons and Dragons!
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  • Come with us if you want to live
    Feb 25 2021
    Two podcasts hosts are sent back to 1984 to watch The Terminator and report their findings to their podcast audience in 2021. It probably won’t stop the rise of the machines, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
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