• IMU 093: From ESL Teacher to Successful Real Estate Entrepreneur
    Jun 14 2022

    Have you ever had to change careers? How easy was that for you? How much of your mindset did you have to change when you changed careers?

    A Canadian-Filipino, Dave Greig from Grow With 1st Class has been involved with two succesm sful real estate startups. But when he first immigrated to the U.S., he found that his Canadian degree and his English teaching experience were considered worthless. His American-born wife had to work and support the family because all of his skills didn’t translate to the American job sector. 

    Dave credits Rich Dad Poor Dad and the Bible for being the two most influential books in his life. There’s no such thing as luck, he says. When an opportunity comes along, you should jump at it. That’s why he jumped in feet first to a job opportunity his Realtor friend suggested to him. He still honors his English teaching background by approaching his sales career just like a teacher. He works to figure out what a person needs before he finds a solution for their problem. And he just doesn’t care for the hard sell because that doesn’t fit in with his teacher mentality.

    As you were growing up, you absorbed certain lessons about money, and not all of those lessons were good. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Money is the root of all evil”. For Dave, unlearning his money beliefs helped him break through the mental barrier he’d put in front of his success. He realized that if he was wealthy, he could provide jobs, give back to his community, and donate to charity.

    This was such a great conversation with Dave Greig. I truly believe that breakthroughs can happen in just one conversation with a mentor who can help you see patterns and goals that you might miss on your own. I would love to help guide you through that journey. Let’s connect at 1ConversationAway.com. 


    What’s Inside:

    • The importance of coaches and mentors, especially as you transition to a new career like Dave did.
    • How Dave worked through his money mindset to unlock his earning potential.
    • Why Dave accepted a demotion, and what you can learn from his humble realization of where his strengths lie.


    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Immigrant Masters Unite

    Polish Peter on Facebook


    Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business



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    45 min
  • IMU 092: How To Start a Business Using the Equity In Your Home, Without Going Into Debt & Without Using a HELOC Or a Reverse Mortgage Strategies.
    Jul 2 2021

    Do you need to access the equity in your home? What if you could access your home’s equity without going into more debt?  And what if that new tool was NOT a HELOC or a reverse mortgage?

    Are you house rich and cash poor?

    Are you looking for capital to start a new business?

    The traditional way for homeowners to unlock their home equity was to go to the bank and borrow that money. So even though a homeowner had a hard asset, they still had to borrow money to access the cash value in their home. Matthew Sullivan solves real problems for homeowners with his company QuantumRE that helps them unlock their equity. This is not a HELOC, a loan, or a reverse mortgage. It’s a new financing tool that can potentially free up the $83 trillion that Americans have locked in their home assets.

    QuantmRE is an option agreement as a lien on the title. Nothing happens until you sell the home, refinance, or decide to end the agreement. This is not a debt product, and both parties have some risk. If the house collapses in value, then Matthew’s company risks losing the amount they loaned to you, but if the house increases in value, you can pay back the option. There’s no monthly cash payment, no interest, or rent, and the homeowner is still on the title. 

    As a Brit, Matthew has set up businesses in India and Australia, but setting up a business in the United States has been one of the most exciting experiences for him. Each country has its own rules, and this can apply to the different regions of the U.S. A lot of business can be done on a handshake in the U.S. because they do still appreciate that sort of man-to-man business agreements. 

    For English-speaking immigrants; Matthew says that you shouldn’t assume that just because you speak the same language, that the culture is the same.

    There are 50 different rules, laws, and regulations, plus cultures all across America! Research your market before you create a business. Ask yourself: Is this going to work? Is this actually going to be beneficial? And then jump into the land of opportunity.

    What’s Inside:

    • Why Matthew says that you should find a decent business and allow it to grow with you.
    • How Matthew’s financial product helps you access the money hiding in your home.  Listen carefully as this is not a HELOC or a reverse mortgage.  
    • If you want a daily rebirth that won’t happen by itself; Listen to Matthew’s advice for embracing every new day.
    • Cultural differences may be small for immigrants from English-speaking countries, but ignoring them completely may mean that you miss some opportunities for entrepreneurship.

    IMPORTANT NOTE:  DominateNet LLC dba Immigrant Masters Unite and Polish Peter are not responsible for the financial risks you may incur from this episode.  We are not a financial company and do not advise on financial areas of your life.  This is 100% purely for educational purposes and it is your responsibility to make sure this strategy works for you.  Contact Matthew and his team to discuss your options.

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Immigrant Masters Unite

    Polish Peter on Facebook



    So, head over to the Itunes or Stitcher right now and listen to the podcast. Once you listen to the episode, share it with others who you think would benefit from this episode.

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    50 min
  • IMU 091: How To Break Free From a Negative Generational Mindset With Mercedes Torres
    Mar 18 2021

    Do you know how to break free from the negative mindset, negative generational ideas that are holding you down?

    For you, what does it look like to have an inner drive?

    Ever feel like you don’t fit in?  If you don’t fit in, how can you use that to your advantage?

    Family comes first for Mercedes Torres. She was born in Los Angeles to a Mexican mother and Puerto Rican father, but was raised in Puerto Rico.

    Her family frequently moved around between the three countries, and Mercedes struggled to have a sense of belonging as she was always labeled the “outsider”.

    Even within her own family, the age gap between Mercedes and her siblings made her feel like she didn’t quite fit within her own family.

    Here’s the thing… Mercedes’s parents were hardworking, but they were always poor.

    Now, Mercedes loved her family, but she didn’t want to live her entire life poor. She knew that she would need to get her information and education from a different source than her family. That’s when she left home, determined to make it on her own.

    Today, Mercedes has a real estate education company where she teaches others to either invest in real estate or do it for them with a turnkey operation.

    In her first year in real estate, she flipped over 24 properties, and after 16 years, she’s bought, sold, and rented out thousands of properties.

    Mercedes says, “When you come into my world, there is no ceiling.” To her, personal growth is a never-ending quest to be a better version of yourself.

    She’s built a community around herself that pushes her to live her best life on her own terms.

    So, the question is…

    Do you know how to get that drive?  How to live with no- ceiling?  More importantly, do you need a strong “why” to get things accomplished?

    Mercedes says yes, but also no. A strong “why” can get you up and going every day, but you need one more key element to watch your success skyrocket which we share in this episode. I love Mercedes’s positive mindset that you can just hear through this episode. If you’re interested in real estate investing, whether it’s buying fully renovated turnkey investments or creating turnkey investments for yourself, Mercedes would love to connect with you.

    What’s Inside this episode:

    • How Mercedes nearly lost everything when she lost the person who was the linchpin to her business’s success and the HUGE lesson she learned from that part of her life.
    • Mercedes explains that when you grow up poor, you hear generational advice that can keep you poor. She tells how she broke that cycle of advice and how you can too.
    • Community is whatever you create, but Mercedes believes that you should create it to empower others. Learn how to create empowering communities around you. 
    • plus much, much more…
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    43 min
  • IMU 090: How to Convert More Clients with Interactive Virtual Events by Miroslav Beck
    Feb 17 2021

    How confident do you feel about hosting or presenting in a virtual event?

    Do you think a virtual conference should cost more or less than an in-person event?

    Were you caught unprepared by the pivot into Zoom meetings last year?

    No matter what industry you’re in, last year completely changed how businesses reach customers. Virtual events are here to stay, and if you’re not ready for this pivot, your business is going to miss out.

    Miroslav Beck from the Czech Republic runs Overnight Success Studios, an AV company that provides technical support for companies who are running a live event. 

    Pre-COVID, Mira’s company did 80 events a year, but like many of you, he’s had to adjust to COVID and learn to run events for a completely remote audience.

    If Tony Robbins is the picture in your mind when you think of a well-produced show, then you might feel intimidated by the amount of work that goes into a virtual event.

    But Mira wants you to know that you don’t need to spend that kind of money to still give your audience a great experience.

    On the lowest level, you can just sit on Zoom and deliver your information. For a paid event, or even if you’re just interested in impressing your audience, Mira has advice for how you can convert more clients by:

    • Training your audience on the technology
    • Personalizing the environment behind you
    • Creating a brand with your background
    • Adjusting the traditional format to fit people’s attention spans
    • Investing in better audiovisual equipment

    Mira loves what he does, and he believes that businesses that adapt to virtual networking are going to outperform those who are stuck in the 2010s.

    If you’d like more information about how you can give better virtual presentations, Mira would love to connect with you. Send him an email at mira@beckav.com

    What’s Inside:

    • Why you need to pre-frame your conference to get better engagement in your conference or event. 
    • How and why you should still send swag for a virtual event. 
    • The bare minimum of equipment you need to put on a virtual conference, and what to upgrade first when you’re ready to spend some money.
    • Miroslav’s advice for entrepreneurs who are new to the American way of entrepreneurship. 
    • As a first-generation American, Mira wants his kids to have a better launching platform, but he wants to do it in a smart way.

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Immigrant Masters Unite

    Polish Peter on Facebook


    Miroslav Beck on Facebook

    Think and Grow Rich

    Atomic Habits

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    48 min
  • IMU 089: How One Chiropractor Went From Solving Health Problems Adjusting One Bone In a Body To Saving Children From Modern Day Slavery in Pakistan.
    Feb 2 2021

    Have you ever heard of the terms upper cervical care, upper cervical adjustment, or atlas bone adjustment?

    Do you have health problems such as gut problems, headaches, migranes, stomach issues, neck pains, sinuses, different pains in your body?

    Are you popping pills trying to fix one problem, and then two more issues crop up?

    What if I told you that you could adjust just ONE BONE in your entire body and improve your body’s health? 

    Don’t believe me?  Then listen to this episode and remember this name: Atlas bone.

    When the brain and body aren’t connected, health problems start to manifest in your body in different ways. For Dr. Eddie Weller, it showed up as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

    Here’s the thing…

    Every nerve in the whole body meets at the base of your skull, and if there’s pressure on that nerve center, it “dims” the messages your brain is sending to the rest of the body. When Dr. Weller’s brain and body were reconnected after he received an upper cervical adjustment, his IBS disappeared. 

    For 22 years, Dr. Eddie Weller has been adjusting patients, and he is so passionate about helping patients get well again. He sees his jobs as true healthcare because to him, chiropractic care is about giving your body the best chance to succeed

    Dr. Weller is also passionate about helping others. During the pandemic, he was friended on social media by a fellow young Christian man from Pakistan.

    After he learned about young children being kidnapped and sold into modern-day slavery, he felt inspired to change lives in Pakistan.

    Today, he’s working on building a home for orphaned children in Pakistan while purchasing them out of slavery so that they can live normal lives.

    He connects with these children weekly on virtual phone calls, and he is raising money to increase the impact of his project.

    If you feel moved to donate to Dr. Weller, it doesn’t take much. For only $20, you can feed 20 children a month or you can donate to his school project.

    Check out his website Chalk to Clay for more information.

    Here’s what’s inside this episode:
    • What Dr. Weller means when he says, “If the body can grow into a problem, then the body can grow out of a problem”.
    • How the phones are affecting our posture and our health.
    • How to fix the majority of our health problems by adjusting a single bone in your body.
    • How you can be involved in Dr. Weller’s rescue mission for children who are being trafficked in Pakistan.
    • plus much, much more…
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    54 min
  • IMU 088: How To Turn Your Failures Into a Core Company Values
    Jan 19 2021

    What if I told you that failure is where the magic happens?

    How can you fail and find the courage to get back up and try again?

    What if you turned failures into core company values?

    Amir Erez is an Israeli-American immigrant who runs a seven-figure real estate business based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When he arrived in the U.S. in 2006 with $365, he rolled up his sleeves and worked every job you can think of until he decided to get into real estate in 2012.

    Today Amir is the CEO and co-founder of Fair Deal Home Buyers, a wholesaling and flipping company that purchased 140 homes in 2020. 

    If you’re an immigrant, you actually have an advantage in the land of opportunity. You’re willing to work harder than the average Joe, and when you fail, you’re going to be able to get up and keep going.

    Your “why” that drives you will help you keep your promises to yourself.

    Amir and I had an amazing conversation about what to do when you fail. Failure is inevitable, but it’s still surprising for many of us, and it makes us second guess our choices.

    And quite frankly, it can be discouraging. For Amir, personal growth was directly tied to all of those times when he failed. He saw his resilience built up as he got up, dusted himself off, and tried again. 

    Hiring employees that match your company culture will require more than just hoping you pick the right resume off of the stack on your desk.

    Amir has been very careful about finding just the right employees, and he shares how he builds his company culture by making decisions around his core values, and why failure can be a core value.

    Listen, it’s not the big, sweeping actions that drive success; it’s the small, daily things that add up over time that lead to success. Even failure is a chance to fail forward, says Amir.

    Focusing on the goal and your ultimate “why” is going to help you get back up again.

    Here’s what’s inside this episode:
    • How to hire people that match your core values. 
    • Behind the scenes of a seven-figure businessman’s life. 
    • Answer to the question… when you fail, how do you decide that it’s time to try something new?
    • What Amir’s favorite failure is, and how it changed his point of view.
    • plus much, much more…
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    34 min
  • How to Turn Your Weakness Into Your Superpower With Dwan Bent-Twyford
    Jan 5 2021

    Do you know you can turn your weakness into strength or as I’d like to call it, turn your weakness into your superpower? 

    Do you have a weakness that you don’t like about yourself?

    Do you spend so much time thinking about starting a project that you never actually get started? 

    If so, check out this episode because this episode answers those questions.  More importantly, it deals with the limiting beliefs around your weaknesses. 

    So, the question is…

    Are you ready to smash some self-limiting beliefs today?

    When Dwan Bent-Twyford heard about real estate for the first time, she thought it meant that she’d go around buying houses and redecorating them.

    Imagine her surprise when she found herself doing all of the tiling, painting, landscaping, and everything else she had to do to get the house ready for sale.

    As a single mom with an ex-husband in jail, she had one thing on her mind: providing for her daughter without putting her in daycare. 

    Dwan didn’t have enough knowledge when she started in real estate investing to realize what she didn’t know. She just figured out the first step she needed to take, and then she figured out the next step when she got to that point.

    She simply didn’t have time to get paralyzed by the whole process of real estate investing. She wants you to know that if you spend so much time prepping that you never actually do anything, then you’re getting lost in the details. 

    On her first flip, Dwan made $22,000, and she never wanted to go back to a regular job. And she wanted to teach other people to do what she did too.

    But breaking into the boys’ club was a huge boundary. She was one of the only women in the real estate industry, and she couldn’t get them to take her seriously even though she was doing more deals than they were and giving speeches every month at Real Estate Associations.

    We have so many limiting beliefs around talking.

    We might worry, “What if people don’t understand me?”

    Because so much of Dwan’s job is all about talking to people, she has some advice for anyone worried about a language barrier. Dwan and I have known each other for a decade, and she talks about how powerful it was when I embraced what I consider a weakness. 

    What’s Inside:

    • How to Brand Yourself with your weakness and how it can be a tool to make people like you and work with you.
    • Breaking through the good old boys’ club in real estate investing made Dwan focus hard on the unique spin she brought to the table. 
    • As Dwan coached other investing students, listen carefully to how she helped one of them overcome their language barrier.
    • How one of her clients turned her weakness into strength and how it resulted in a real estate deal.   
    • plus much more…
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    50 min
  • IMU 086: 4 Steps to Finding Your True Purpose Using The Gold Method with Doc Peace
    Dec 22 2020

    Do you know how to find your purpose in your life?

    Are you struggling with uncertainty and looking for peace of mind in your life?

    As you work and study, how do you find the REAL, authentic genuine you?

    These are the questions we will be answering on this episode.

    I think you’re going to love hearing from this amazing woman because she is so enthusiastic about helping people identify their true purpose and move forward with confidence.

    Doc Peace Uche, a Nigerian immigrant, became a doctor of pharmacy and then realized that she wanted a career that felt more authentic for her true self.

    That’s when she became a Transformational Rhythmic Speaker and wrote doc.Peace of Mind Method: A Poetic Guide to Living Your Best Life.”

    Here’s the problem…

    Most people will create a goal and then take some steps towards their goal…

    but they won’t take the right steps.

    Doc Peace works with clients to help them connect their actions with their goals, and to do that, she uses this simple acronym “G.O.L.D.” to define the 4 steps they need to take:

    G- Genuine O- Original L- Loving D– Dreamer

    Here’s the deal…

    If you don’t know how to achieve something, then you’re going to walk around in a confused state just hoping you eventually stumble upon your goal.

    One solution is to reach out to a mentor or someone just ahead of you in your journey, someone who has been there and succeeded in what you are going after.  This is by far, one of the most effective ways to shorten your journey to finding your true passion.

    Listen, do you have a weakness that you feel is holding you back?

    We all do, right? 

    For Doc Peace, it was her lisp. For me, it was my accent. 

    Doc Peace believes that embracing who you are will free you from concern about your perceived limitations. She herself overcame a lisp to become a paid public speaker.

    As you become open and vulnerable about your own challenges, she says that you’ll step more fully into your authentic self. 

    I loved this conversation with Doc Peace because it was so hopeful and positive.

    If you’d like to have a discovery call with her, you can text GOLD to 619-363-5490 to set up a time to talk. Even if you’re not ready for a discovery call, she’s offering a free gift with a $100 value to help my listeners with self-affirmations. 

    So, here’s what’s inside this power-packed episode:

    • Doc Peace shares the “Get it going” mantra that has been at the center of her family’s life story for generations.
    • No one else can do the exact same thing you do in the exact same way. 
    • When you try to maximize yourself, you’re giving yourself permission to shine. 
    • 4 steps of the G.O.L.D. method and how to apply it in your own life.
    • plus much, much more…
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    48 min