Anna is a leading expert in Workplace Mental Health, Author, Trainer and International Speaker with over 18 years experience. She is passionate about building a deliberate and energising culture around Mental Health in the Workplace, which in turn drives engagement and productivity. 2021 is 2020 with a different name. It's tiring & exhausting for most ... even those who have found the overall experience innovating and exciting. But what is the cost to our mental health? Especially those in leadership positions in organisations who by their very position are forced to be on the front line 24/7. In this episode, Anna Feringa returns to Straight Talk, and joins Resilient Futures' Larry Quick to discuss how the pandemic has impacted and continues to impact the mental health of leaders, the consequences and the strategy necessary for organisations can prevent, support & respond to mental health risks in the workplace. Find Anna: Enjoyed this interview with Anna Feringa? Sign up to the RF Network here to get more episodes like this delivered to your inbox: Donate to Impact Africa Network: