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Ann Scoular, co-founder of Myla Campbell, talks to Future Talent Learning's Tom Ritchie about coaching, leadership development and the application of psychology and neuroscience in the workplace. She outlines criteria for effective coaching and emphasises the importance of leaders modeling a culture of coaching in their organisations.
Episode timestamps
- Ann Scoular talks about her career path, from being a diplomat and international banker to becoming a psychologist - 00:00-01:00
- Attributes of an effective coach - 01:00-02:45
- Stress and the brain: the impact of stress on the brain and how it affects higher thinking functions and creativity. - 02:45-11:25
- Strengths inventories: Research into Queen Victoria's reign and how strengths inventories can be applied to identify and play to individual strengths - 11:25-14:56
- The importance of reconnecting with our humanity as technology plays a greater part in our lives – and how coaching can help achieve this. - 14:56-17:24