
  • Episode 4 - Good and Bad Tarot Cards
    Apr 23 2024
    You’ve done it before - pulled a card and winced because you see it as a “bad” card, and you were hoping for a good answer! In this episode, I discuss how this happens and how ditching the concept of Tarot cards being “good’ or “bad” can free you up to see the light and shadow of each card, enabling you to read more intuitively. A helpful FREE keyword chart for Light & Shadow will help you see the shades of gray in each card instead of viewing them as polarizing opposites. It’s available for download here: https://www.inkspellshop.com/majorchart The show notes can be viewed on my website, https://www.inkspellshop.com/inkspell-podcast/good-and-bad-tarot-cards
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    9 min
  • Episode 3 - Negative and Positive Tarot Cards - This Might Be Why You Can’t Figure Them Out
    Apr 16 2024
    It’s easy to fall into the habit of seeing some tarot cards as positive or good, and other tarot cards as negative or bad. In this episode, I will break down why we do this and why it’s a problem.
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    12 min
  • Episode 2: Back Away from the Guidebooks: Read Tarot Intuitively Instead
    Apr 2 2024
    Why Not Tarot Guidebooks?Be honest – how many times have you laid out your cards for a tarot reading, drew a blank on the meanings of the cards or felt like you had no idea where to start, and you reached for a guidebook? I know I did when I was starting! When we are learning how to read tarot, it’s extremely enticing to look at the guidebook mid-reading. We may draw a blank because we don’t know the meanings of the cards well, and despite trying to memorize, we just haven’t gotten them down yet. How else are you supposed to do a tarot reading if you can’t look it up in the book? Well, there is a better way, but first I want to discuss why looking up card meanings in the guidebook is not the best strategy to learn how to read tarot cards. After listening to this episode, you will understand why referring to the guidebooks mid-reading isn’t ideal, and what you should do instead.Checking Tarot Guidebooks Is Less than IdealImagine you have set up your altar or table with your tarot cloth, you’ve grabbed your favorite crystal, and you’ve lit a few candles. You ask your question, shuffle, and lay out your cards. After looking them over (for what, 3 seconds?), you feel panicked. You can’t remember what that one card means, and the other card you don’t even recognize because the artwork in this deck is different. This other one doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the question! You inherently stop, come out of the peaceful and serene vibe you had created, and reach for the guidebook. This doesn’t sound ideal, right? But it’s what soooo many beginner tarot readers do. Not trusting yourself, doubting yourself, and lacking confidence, it’s easy to reach for someone else’s meanings to guide your reading. And I want to clarify, guidebooks are not inherently bad, they are just not ideal during readings. Let’s find out why. The first problem is that guidebooks take you out of the “zone” or kill the vibe of your reading. Admit it, it is annoying when you have to look away from the reading and check the guidebook, and then get your head back into the reading to try to interpret how these separate meanings all come together to answer your question.Tarot Guidebooks Suppress Your IntuitionGuidebooks also suppress your intuition. Whatever intuitive messages that your intuition was trying to tell you are ignored and set to the side while you engage the logical or rational part of your brain in order to read the guidebook. When you return to the reading to try to interpret, your mind is in logical mode, which makes interpretation extremely difficult, especially when you’re reading for yourself. Setting Aside Your Own Intuition for Someone Else’sFinally, using the guidebooks is kind of a bummer because you are having to set aside your own intuition and instead go by the meanings and interpretations of someone else, not your own. The meaning that that person wrote might not closely align with the meaning of the card in the context of your specific reading, as each tarot reading is different. It’s better to read in the moment from your own bank of tarot card meanings, and then utilize the guidebook in a different way.I promised at the beginning of the episode that I would explain how to work with your guidebooks instead. Let’s discuss that now. So When Should You Refer to a Tarot Guidebook?If you’re anything like me, you probably have a stack of tarot decks that you’ve purchased over time. I think it’s the most common hang up of tarot readers – an obsession with buying more and more decks! But regardless, you probably have a guidebook – large or small – that came with your deck, and you may have even purchased a few separate tarot books that include meanings of their own. So am I telling you to throw all of them away, never to look at them again? Absolutely not! Guidebooks are not evil, they’re just not ideal during a reading. Let’s look at some of the ways you can use guidebooks instead. Instead, refer to guidebooks after a reading. The guidebooks often have a mix of traditional meanings and meanings that are more specific to that particular author. Let’s say you’ve just done a reading intuitively, and feel like you solidly answered your (or the clients) question. This is an opportunity to learn and grow – to learn new ways to interpret the cards that you can supplement your own intuitive readings with. In this case, after you’ve completed a reading, it’s a good idea to refer to the guidebooks and see what additional meanings you could have gotten and does that change the answer to your question in your own reading in any way. Should I Study My Tarot Guidebooks?Another healthy way to utilize guidebooks is to look at them in between readings to “study” the meanings. While I don’t recommend that anyone try rote memorization to learn the cards – a quick way to burn yourself out and lose interest in tarot reading at all – but taking some ...
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    8 min
  • Episode 1: I Bet You’ll Never Guess How I Got Here…
    Mar 25 2024

    It might be an odd combination, instructional systems design and tarot card reading, but in so many ways, they are perfect together. And in even more ways, they are absolutely perfect for me. After listening to this podcast episode, you will walk away knowing how tarot affected mental health, personal development, confidence, and intuition in me, and the ways in which tarot can impact you, too.

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    10 min